英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:03:13



英 [ˌri:ˈbɪld]

美 [riˈbɪld]


过去式: rebuilt 过去分词: rebuilt 现在分词: rebuilding 第三人称单数: rebuilds

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1. build again

e.g. The house was rebuild after it was hit by a bomb

Synonym: reconstruct

1. 重建;重修
When people rebuild something such as a building or a city, they build it again after it has been damaged or destroyed.

e.g. They say they will stay to rebuild their homes rather than retreat to refugee camps...
e.g. The castle was rebuilt by his great grandson in 1859.

2. 重建,重组,复原(机构、制度或生活的某些方面)
When people rebuild something such as an institution, a system, or an aspect of their lives, they take action to bring it back to its previous condition.


e.g. Everyone would have to work hard together to rebuild the economy...
e.g. Jane began to rebuild her social life which had been non-existent since her marriage...

3. 复原,修复(身体某一部分)
If doctors rebuild part of someone's body that has been damaged, they operate on that person to make them well again.

e.g. Two weeks later, surgeons carried out the operation to rebuild his face.

1. 重新构建:哦,是的,您也可以用一个命令重新构建(rebuild)整个系统. 所有事情都是在一个非常简单、明了的情况下完成的. Arch Linux 努力提供和维护最新的稳定版软件. 当前我们支持一套清晰的核心软件包,和一套正在成长的由用户和 AL 开发者制作的扩展(extra)软件包.

2. 重构:Active Hot Spare 不需第二次重构过 程,消除了重构 (Rebuild)对系统的影 响. 2. 用户可以有多个 Active Hot Spares 盘,所以 HP AutoRAID 能使用户从多次顺序磁盘故障中恢复数据而无需操作员干 预.

We needed to completely rebuild.(我们需要全部重新翻修。)
To help rebuild the library, Congress bought the books of President Thomas Jefferson.(为了帮助重建图书馆,国会购买了托马斯·杰斐逊总统的书籍。)
The leaf has to constantly rebuild them.(叶子不得不不断地重新生成它们。)
The wind turbine manufacturer I mentioned, are the foundation on which we can rebuild our economy to compete in the 21st century.(我所提到的风力涡轮机制造商,是我们重建在21世纪具有竞争性经济的基础。)
Rebuild all the projects in your workspace.(重新构建您的工作区中的所有项目。)
Now that the banks are back on their feet, we expect an extraordinary commitment from them to help rebuild the economy.(既然银行在逐渐恢复,我们期待他们能给出特别的承诺以帮助重建经济。)
While these buildings could be renovated at a fraction of the cost of rebuilding the Cathedral, planners are more likely to knock them down and rebuild.(虽然这些建筑的翻新成本仅为大教堂重建成本的一小部分,但规划者更有可能将其拆除并进行重建。)
When she lost her job, she had to rebuild her life completely.(她丢了工作以后,不得不彻底重新安排自己的生活。)
Now the question is, do we partially restore and rebuild the site before the entire thing disintegrates?(现在的问题是,我们是否要在整个建筑瓦解之前,部分地修复和重建场地?)
They say they will stay to rebuild their homes rather than retreat to refugee camps.(他们说要留下来重建家园而不是撤到难民营中。)
rebuild是什么意思 rebuild在线翻译 rebuild什么意思 rebuild的意思 rebuild的翻译 rebuild的解释 rebuild的发音 rebuild的同义词