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英 [rɪˈdʒenəreɪt]

美 [rɪˈdʒɛnəˌret]




形容词: regenerable 副词: regenerately 名词: regenerator 过去式: regenerated 过去分词: regenerated 现在分词: regenerating 第三人称单数: regenerates

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1. restore strength

e.g. This food revitalized the patient

Synonym: revitalize

2. undergo regeneration

3. form or produce anew

e.g. regenerate hatred

4. be formed or shaped anew

5. replace (tissue or a body part) through the formation of new tissue

e.g. The snake regenerated its tail

6. return to life
get or give new life or energy

e.g. The week at the spa restored me

Synonym: restorerejuvenate

7. bring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one

e.g. The Church reformed me
reform your conduct

Synonym: reformreclaimrectify

8. amplify (an electron current) by causing part of the power in the output circuit to act upon the input circuit

9. reestablish on a new, usually improved, basis or make new or like new

e.g. We renewed our friendship after a hiatus of twenty years
They renewed their membership

Synonym: renew



1. reformed spiritually or morally

e.g. a regenerate sinner
regenerate by redemption from error or decay

1. 革新;使复兴;重建
To regenerate something means to develop and improve it to make it more active, successful, or important, especially after a period when it has been getting worse.

e.g. The government will continue to try to regenerate inner city areas.

...the physical and economic regeneration of the area.

2. (使)(器官或肌体组织)再生;(使)再造
If organs or tissues regenerate or if something regenerates them, they heal and grow again after they have been damaged.


e.g. Nerve cells have limited ability to regenerate if destroyed...
e.g. Newts can regenerate their limbs.

Vitamin B assists in red-blood-cell regeneration.


1. 重新生成:这样我们在建模和后续的结构设计的过程中,尽量采用这些原始的基准面作为参照; 拔模的方式尽量用扫描Sweep成面的方式,这样便于以后修改; 如果手机的外形有变化时,可以直接在Projectname_master.prt文件中修改,然后重新生成(Regenerate)其它.prt就行了

2. 重生:举个例子来说,在某个组立当中用到A零件,但是已经预期到将来可能使用A零件在其他机构(因为成本过高或制程过长甚至因为大批量购用较为经济) ,为防止A零件单独被拆离开原本产生时的机构时重生(Regenerate)会失败,应该禁止A零件参考任何一个外部图元件来设计,

3. 更新,使更生:reform 改革 | regenerate 更新,使更生 | registered 已注册的

  • 经典引文

  • Born again, we are regenerate, we are sons of God.

    出自:H. E. Manning
  • Perhaps..infants dying in infancy are regenerated in the article of death.

    出自:T. C. Finlayson
The earthworm can regenerate if it's cut in half.(蚯蚓被切成两段后可以重新生长。)
Otherwise, you may tweak the parameters in the model files and regenerate.(否则,您就可能在这个模型文件中调整参数,并重新产生。)
In fact, you must delete it if you want to regenerate the file.(实际上,如果想重新生成这个文件,就必须删除它。)
And they do not regenerate.(而且不会再生。)
She says: "I believe that the day is not far off when we will be able to prescribe drugs that cause severed spinal cords to heal, hearts to regenerate and lost limbs to regrow."(她说:“我相信,我们能够开出药方,让切断的脊髓愈合、心脏再生、失去的四肢再生的那一天不远了。”)
No problem, edit the conditions and regenerate the group.(没关系,编辑条件并重新生成组。)
You must then regenerate the JCL.(然后必须重新生成jcl。)
In those cases, we recommend to regenerate the associated XSL file.(对于这种情况,我们建议重新生成XSL文件。)
They decided a housing cooperative was the way to regenerate the area.(他们决定用合作建房的方式重建这一地区。)
Proper sleep is required for your body to repair itself and regenerate.(你的身体需要恰当的睡眠进行自我修复和调节。)
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