英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:10:33



英 [rɪˈhɜ:s]

美 [rɪˈhɜ:rs]



名词: rehearser 过去式: rehearsed 过去分词: rehearsed 现在分词: rehearsing 第三人称单数: rehearses

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

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1. engage in a rehearsal (of)

Synonym: practisepractice

1. 排练,演练,预演(戏剧、舞蹈或音乐作品)
When people rehearse a play, dance, or piece of music, they practise it in order to prepare for a performance.

e.g. A group of actors are rehearsing a play about Joan of Arc...
e.g. Tens of thousands of people have been rehearsing for the opening ceremony in the workers' stadium...

2. 默默练习;默述;默诵
If you rehearse something that you are going to say or do, you silently practise it by imagining that you are saying or doing it.


e.g. Anticipate any tough questions and rehearse your answers...
e.g. We encouraged them to rehearse what they were going to say.

3. 复述;详述;重复
If you rehearse something, you repeat it in detail.


e.g. Yesterday's speech to the Scottish party conference rehearsed the arguments again.

1. 排练:[场景]Chandler帮助Joey排练(rehearse)一段剧幕这笔横财并不使Phoebe高兴,因为她始终觉得这笔钱不是自己的,花起来不坦然,就像是业的报应(Karmic debt)翻译:我的意思是,为什么让他们看到他?

2. 演习:它包括5个步骤:预测(predict),组织(organize),演习(rehearse),操练(practice),以及评价(evauate)(辛普生,1986). 如果在考试前三天实行PROPE学习计划,你就可以预测可能出现的论文题目,组织好观点,找到记忆策略.

3. 预演,演习,详述:rehash 旧事新弹,改成新形式 | rehearse 预演,演习,详述 | reimburse 偿还,退款,补偿

4. 预演:rehearsal 预演 | rehearse 预演 | reheat 再热

  • 经典引文

  • Words learned by rote a parrot may rehearse.

    出自:W. Cowper
  • In the matter of prices he..rehearses traditional doctrines.

    出自:R. H. Tawney
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

In order to have a better experience, our school will organize all contestants to rehearse at 10 a.m. this Sunday in the stadium.(为了有更好的体验,我们学校将组织所有参赛选手于本周日上午10点在体育场进行排练。)
They rehearse through diligent practice and preparation; they remain disciplined and professional.(他们通过勤奋的练习和准备进行预演;他们保持严格的纪律和专业性。)
Practice using it. Rehearse with a friend.(多多练习,可以先和朋友进行排练。)
Rehearse with a timer and allow time for the unexpected.(定时排练,腾出一些可能出现的意外的时间。)
Once you have the whole scene worked out, mentally rehearse it for speed.(一旦你把整个场景都想好了,就再快速地演练几遍。)
Dental students rehearse in each other's mouths.(牙科学生在彼此的嘴里演练技术。)
Rehearse several times before the big talk.(在大型演讲前多排演几次。)
We only had two weeks to rehearse the play.(我们只有两周时间排练此剧。)
Rehearse in front of a friend or, better, a few colleagues.(在你的好友,最好是同事面前排练。)
If we're sure a conversation is going to be tough, it's instinctive to rehearse what we'll say.(如果我们认为一场谈话注定是艰难的,那么就应该主动练习我们要说的内容。)
rehearse是什么意思 rehearse在线翻译 rehearse什么意思 rehearse的意思 rehearse的翻译 rehearse的解释 rehearse的发音 rehearse的同义词