更新时间:2025-03-10 19:12:38
形容词: relievable 名词: reliever 过去式: relieved 过去分词: relieved 现在分词: relieving 第三人称单数: relieves
v.(动词)- 衬托
- 使不单调乏味,使有趣
- 救援,救出,救济,救助,将(城镇从敌人的围困中)解围,援救
- 使宽慰,使放心
- 偷,窃去
- 使显目,使显著,突出
- 使成浮雕
- 解除(职务)
- 使脱离,解脱
- 供应食品给
- 接班,接防,接替,给...换班,换...的班
- 缓和,缓解,减轻(问题的严重性)
- 调剂
v.(动词)- vt. 缓解,消除,减少 lessen
- vt. 换班,换岗 take a duty from sb as a relief
Verb:- provide physical relief, as from pain;
"This pill will relieve your headaches"
- free someone temporarily from his or her obligations
- grant relief or an exemption from a rule or requirement to;
"She exempted me from the exam"
- lessen the intensity of or calm;
"The news eased my conscience"
"still the fears"
- save from ruin, destruction, or harm
- relieve oneself of troubling information
- provide relief for;
"remedy his illness"
- free from a burden, evil, or distress
- take by stealing;
"The thief relieved me of $100"
- grant exemption or release to;
"Please excuse me from this class"
- alleviate or remove (pressure or stress) or make less oppressive;
"relieve the pressure and the stress"
"lighten the burden of caring for her elderly parents"
在…的映衬下 be in the reflect
relieve sth against sthThe mountain is relieved against the blue sky.
The picture is relieved against the background.
- The doctor often relieve the poor.
那位医生经常救济贫民。 - He devoted himself to relieving the distressed.
他致力于救济受苦受难的人。 - We did what we could to relieve the people in the flood-stricken areas.
我们尽了最大努力救济遭受水灾地区的人民。 - The doctors did their best to relieve the patient.
医生们尽力减轻病人的痛苦。 - He thinks it is his duty to relieve the sickness.
他认为消除疾病是他的职责。 - Tears relieves her.
流泪减轻了她的痛苦。 - The soldiers were sent to relieve the besieged city.
已派了军队去援救那个被围的城市。 - They decided not to count on foreign aid to relieve the famine.
他们决定不依靠外援救灾。 - They could suggest nothing to relieve the crisis.
他们提不出办法来缓和危机。 - Rather than relieving the situation, his action aggravated it.
他的行动不仅没有缓和局势反而加剧了局势。 - His humorous remark relieved the tension in the room.
他讲的那些幽默的话缓和了室内的紧张气氛。 - The good news relieved us.
这个好消息使我们放心了。 - It would relieve my mind if some sort of understanding was reached between us.
如果我们之间能达成某种谅解,我就会宽心了。 - No words can relieve her sorrow.
什么话也不能减轻她的悲痛。 - Shout if you want to, it will relieve your feelings.
要喊你就喊吧,这样你会好受些。 - They can also relieve spasm.
它们还可以治痉挛。 - Can you give me something to relieve my headache?
你能不能给我点药把我的头痛止住? - They are effective in relieving pain.
它们止疼很有效。 - Cool water relieves the pain of minor burns.
凉水可以减轻轻度烧伤的疼痛。 - He will relieve a sickness teacher tomorrow.
他明天要为一个生病的老师代课。 1- Anxiety may be relieved by talking to a friend.
和朋友交谈可以减轻忧虑。 - They were relieved at the news.
听到这一消息,他们放心了。 - She felt relieved at the prospect.
看到这样的前景,她感到宽慰。 - The brown hills are relieved by patches of green.
褐色的小山上点缀着一块块的绿色,显得不那么单调。 - The guard will be relieved at midnight.
这卫兵要到午夜才换班。 - You will be relieved at 12.
在12点钟会有人来替换你。 - The sentry is relieved at regular intervals.
Behold the hand..Stretch'd to relieve the..Poor.
出自:PopeNeither trees nor bushes to relieve the eye from the russet..of absolute sterility.
出自:Sir W. ScottThe successes of convergent Allied Armies in North Africa would relieve Malta.
出自:D. Fraser
v.(动词)- relieve的基本意思是“减轻,除去(痛苦、不安)”,指暂时而不是从根本上解除或减轻不愉快的感情、负担或痛苦。引申可表示“解除某人的职务等”。relieve还可作“给…换班”“换岗”解。
- relieve是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。
- relieve接agaist表示“在…的衬托下”,接at表示“因…而感到宽慰”,接from或of表示“免除”“解脱”。
v.(动词)- relieve from, relieve of
- 这组短语的意思都是“解除”。其区别是:
- 前者指解除或减轻痛苦、忧虑、危险,强调状态; 后者指解脱沉重的负担、包袱等,强调对象。
- ☆ 1300年进入英语,直接源自古法语的relever,意为救济,减轻;最初源自古典拉丁语的relevare:re- + levare (激励,减轻),意为救济,减轻。
relieves是什么意思 relieves在线翻译 relieves什么意思 relieves的意思 relieves的翻译 relieves的解释 relieves的发音 relieves的同义词