英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [rɪˈvɜ:t]

美 [rɪˈvɜ:rt]


形容词: revertible 名词: reverter 过去式: reverted 过去分词: reverted 现在分词: reverting 第三人称单数: reverts

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  • 恢复原来信仰的人
  • 归属
  • 继承
  • 恢复原状者
  • 重提
  • 重想,回想
  • 【生】反祖遗传,隔世遗传
  • 使回复原状,使恢复原来的做法
  • 使恢复原来的做法
  • 恢复原状
  • 复辟,复旧
  • 使颠倒
  • 使绕行
  • 使转向后
  • 回到原来话题
  • 【生】回复变异
  • 回复,恢复
  • 【律】归属,归还(财产、权利等)
  • 回到,回复到,复归,回到…上
  • 重新考虑
  • 恢复本性,故态复萌
  • 重操旧业


1. undergo reversion, as in a mutation

2. go back to a previous state

e.g. We reverted to the old rules

Synonym: returnretrovertregressturn back

1. 恢复,回复(到以前的状态、制度或行为)
When people or things revert to a previous state, system, or type of behaviour, they go back to it.

e.g. Jackson said her boss became increasingly depressed and reverted to smoking heavily.

2. 回到,重提,重新考虑(某个话题)
When someone reverts to a previous topic, they start talking or thinking about it again.

e.g. In the car she reverted to the subject uppermost in her mind.

3. 重新使用(惯用的语言)
If you revert to your usual language, you start using that language again.

e.g. After all these years she had reverted to her Veneto dialect and nobody could understand what she was saying.

4. (财产、权力、金钱等)归还,归属
If property, rights, or money revert to someone, they become that person's again after someone else has had them for a period of time.

e.g. When the lease ends, the property reverts to the freeholder.

5. 恢复原样;故态复萌
If you say that someone has reverted to type, you mean that they are now behaving as you would expect them to, after having behaved in an unexpected and better way.

e.g. He was adamant that this setback does not mean he has reverted to type.

1. 恢复:转换就像更新一样,不会丢掉本地的任何修改,而是将未提交修改合并. 如果不想这样,那就在转换(switch)之前进行提交(commit)操作,或恢复(revert)副本到某个已提交版本(一般都选head版本).

2. 复原:虚拟机操作系统安装完成,窗口中的系统为Win2003 虚拟机操作系统安装成功后,我们可以通过虚拟机窗口任务栏上的按钮对虚拟机执行暂停(Pause)、停止(Turn off)、关闭(Shutdown)、快照(Snapshot)、保存(Save)、复原(Revert)等操作.

  • 经典引文

  • The place..is only a life interest and reverts to her husband's brother.

    出自:Conan Doyle
Thanks to slowing population growth, land currently ploughed up for crops might be able to revert to forest or wilderness.(由于人口增长放缓,目前用于种植作物的土地可能会变成森林或荒野。)
We'll revert to our BC calculator tool again.(我们将再次使用bc计算器工具。)
You can accept the incoming change, keep the workspace change, or revert to the original.(您可以接受传入的变更、保留工作区变更或恢复为原始状态。)
And ionic EAPs revert to their original shape as soon as the applied voltage is removed.(移除加载电压后,离子型电活性聚合物便会立即回复到初始形状。)
If something goes wrong, you can always revert back to a known, good-working version of your code.(如果哪儿出了错,您总是可以使自己的代码回复到一个已知的、工作正常的版本。)
The only supported path to revert a migrated cell is to rollback the entire cell.(反转已迁移单元的唯一可行的方法是回滚整个单元。)
Create the patch and revert to the original version of the file.(创建一个补丁并还原到文件的原始版本。)
If profits were about to revert to the mean, share multiples should fall below average.(如果盈利回落到平均水平,其所占份额也应回落到平均水平以下。)
What investors may be missing to their cost is that financial markets tend to revert to the mean.(投资者可能忽视的事情是金融市场总趋向回归平均指数。)
There's also a full revision history for each document, and authors can revert to previous edits.(他同样还拥有每个文档的历史版本纪录,作者可以恢复到以前的版本进行编辑。)
revert是什么意思 revert在线翻译 revert什么意思 revert的意思 revert的翻译 revert的解释 revert的发音 revert的同义词