英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:25:04



英 [ˈrɪkəti]

美 [ˈrɪkɪti]


比较级: ricketier 最高级: ricketiest 名词: ricketiness

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  • 东倒西歪的
  • 摇晃的
  • 连接处不牢固的
  • 患软骨病的
  • 不结实的
  • 不稳固的
  • 患佝偻病的
  • 蹒跚的
  • 易折断的
  • 虚弱的
  • 软弱的
  • 驼背的


1. lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality

e.g. a feeble old woman
her body looked sapless

Synonym: decrepitdebilefeebleinfirmsaplessweakweakly

2. inclined to shake as from weakness or defect

e.g. a rickety table
a wobbly chair with shaky legs
the ladder felt a little wobbly
the bridge still stands though one of the arches is wonky

Synonym: shakywobblywonky

3. affected with, suffering from, or characteristic of rickets

e.g. rickety limbs and joints
a rachitic patient

Synonym: rachitic

1. (结构、家具)摇摇晃晃的,摇摇欲坠的,不牢固的
A rickety structure or piece of furniture is not very strong or well made, and seems likely to collapse or break.

e.g. Mona climbed the rickety wooden stairway.

1. 驼背的:rickettsia 伤寒病原体 | rickety 驼背的 | rickey 混合饮料

2. rickety

2. 佝偻的驼背的:ramshackle摇摇欲坠a | rickety佝偻的驼背的 | rancid恶臭的a

3. 摇晃的:anxiety 焦虑,忧虑;渴望 | rickety 摇晃的 | thrifty 节俭的;兴旺的

4. 软骨病的:rickets 软骨病 | rickety 软骨病的 | rot 腐烂

  • 经典引文

  • Three rickety wooden chairs, the legs tied with wire.

    出自:J. L. Waten
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Practice session over, we make our way down to the beach, finishing our journey down to the shore with a rickety ladder and rope.(练习结束,我们艰难地下到海滩,完成了利用摇晃的梯子和绳子下到海滨的旅程。)
Typically, I enter their world by climbing up a rickety, twisting wooden staircase, ducking to avoid bumping my head in the near-total darkness.(我常常在一片漆黑中沿着摇晃曲折的木制楼梯往上走,还要低着头以免撞到什么东西,最后才进入他们的世界。)
A rickety legal system makes it hard to enforce contracts.(繁杂的法律系统很难强制执行合同。)
Yet many see little improvement in their own lives, finding themselves without a job in the same rickety shacks as before.(但是许多南非人觉得他们的生活并没有得到多大改善,他们像以前一样,没有工作,居住在破烂的窝棚内。)
Many come for the Cyclone, a rickety, wooden, 80-year-old rollercoaster, which has been likened to riding a really dangerous piece of furniture.(许多游客因“旋风过山车”而来,在这座80年之久、摇摇欲坠的木制建筑上兜风,一直被奉作一场“乘坐真正危险刺激的机动车”之旅。)
It was small, decayed, and rickety, but it was packed full of wretchedly poor families.(它很小,破旧不堪,摇摇欲坠,但里面住满了穷苦的家庭。)
Mona climbed the rickety wooden stairs.(莫娜爬上了摇摇晃晃的木楼梯。)
The front yard was an icy swamp, and a couple of warped planks, extending from the sidewalk to the door, made a sort of rickety footbridge.(前院成了一个泛着冰碴儿的烂泥塘。过道与房门之间,用几块翘曲的木板搭起了一条晃晃悠悠的栈道。)
The Jaintia hills, located in India's far North East state of Meghalaya, miners descend to great depths on slippery, rickety wooden ladders.(在这个印度遥远的东北部梅加拉亚邦(Meghalaya)的贾因蒂亚山区,矿工仅仅靠危险湿滑的木梯到达地下深处。)
In her small, rickety home town of White Castle, the tap-water often comes out “blacker than me”, she has complained.(埃尔伯塔的家乡在WhiteCastle,一个摇摇欲坠的小地方。那里的自来水总是“比我还黑”,她抱怨到。)
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