英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 20:55:42



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过去式: rimmed 过去分词: rimmed 现在分词: rimming 第三人称单数: rims

  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 边,缘,边缘
  • 轮辋,轮缘, 轮圈,辋圈
  • 框边
  • 圆圈,圆形物
  • 【海】水面,海面
  • 帽边
  • 圈,轮
  • 形成边缘, 显出边缘
  • 装边于, 装轮辋于,装边(缘),装轮圈(于)
  • 欺骗,诳骗
  • 环绕(边缘)
  • 作为边缘,作…的边
  • 镶边,给…镶边
  • 形成边状
  • 沿…边缘滚动
  • [C](圆形物体的)边,缘 an edge or border
  • vt. 环绕(圆形或环形物的)边缘 be round edge of sth


1. the top edge of a vessel or other container

Synonym: brimlip

2. a projection used for strength or for attaching to another object

Synonym: flange

3. the outer part of a wheel to which the tire is attached

4. (basketball) the hoop from which the net is suspended

e.g. the ball hit the rim and bounced off

5. the shape of a raised edge of a more or less circular object



1. roll around the rim of

e.g. the ball rimmed the basket

2. furnish with a rim

e.g. rim a hat

3. run around the rim of

e.g. Sugar rimmed the dessert plate

1. (容器的)边沿,边缘,外缘
The rim of a container such as a cup or glass is the edge that goes all the way round the top.

e.g. She looked at him over the rim of her glass.

2. (圆形物体的)边框,边缘
The rim of a circular object is its outside edge.

e.g. ...a round mirror with white metal rim.

3. (污垢等)一周,一圈
If there is a rim of dirt around a surface there is a dirty mark around it.

e.g. There was already a rim of dark hairs and soap round the basin.

4. (篮球的)篮筐,篮圈
In basketball, the rim is the metal ring that holds the net through which players have to try to throw the ball to score.

5. see also: rimmed;-rimmed

1. 轮圈:通常有几个东西要找齐:轮圈(rim)、钢丝(spoke)、铜头(nipple)和花毂(Hub). 如果你手上有编轮工具.......或者你请人手编,搜集了这几样喜欢零件款式和颜色,就可以动手进行了. 其实国外有很多编轮分享,大致上找到方法不难,

2. rim

2. 边:这也是在十九世纪前叶的发明,它的引药就在弹壳后端的凸边(rim)里,在使用上比较方便. 但是由於凸边是弹壳的一部分,假如要求能承受较高的压力则击发上有困难,因此没有办法用在比较大口径或高装药量的子弹上. 它也一直使用到现代,


3. rim:rotary injection reaction injection molding; 反应注射成型

4. rim:repairs and maintenance; 维修

5. rim:remote interface module; 远程接口模块

6. rim:reference information model; 参考信息模型

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • The water was even with the rim of the basin.
  • Trees rimmed the pool.
  • Braking hard can make rims very hot.

  • I will fetch thy rim out at thy throat.

    出自:Henry V,Shakespeare
  • Her fingernails were rimmed with what looked like brown ink.

    出自:W. Boyd
  • Climbing on the gritstone crags that rim the moors.

  • 词义讲解

rim, brim, brink, edge, margin, verge
  • 这组词都有“边”“边沿”的意思。
  • 1.edge指物体两平面交接处的边缘或边线; brink指悬崖峭壁的边缘; brim指如壶、杯、碗等各种形状容器的内侧边缘,也指帽子的边; rim指任何圆形物体的缘、周或边; verge指一平面或广阔区域的尽头,也常指道路的边缘; margin指书页的空白边缘,也可指物体的边缘。
  • 2.用在比喻中, edge指尖锐性、严峻性等; verge表示濒临某种感情或行动的状态; margin的意思是“留有余地”; brink常用于借喻中,指濒临某种危险。
    • 近义词

    • 临近词

    Other items included a Lapita burial urn with modeled birds arranged on the rim as though peering down at the human remains sealed inside.(其他物品还包括一个拉皮塔人的骨灰盒,骨灰盒边缘摆放着模型鸟,仿佛在俯视密封在里面的人类遗骸。)
    While the moons' rapid rotation would be enough to squash them into a smooth oval, it can't explain the rim around the centre of the saucer shape.(虽然卫星的快速旋转足以将它们挤压成一个光滑的椭圆形,但它无法解释碟形中心的边缘。)
    That's not something RIM will confirm or deny.(对此,RIM不会确认或否认。)
    RIM has already faced pressure from India and Saudi Arabia.(RIM早已面临印度和沙特的压力。)
    Other countries have had similar spats with RIM.(其他国家与RIM也有同样的问题。)
    I remember I jumped really, really high. My head was at the rim.(我记得我跳起来,真的很高,我的头就在篮框边。)
    Insects that land on the rim of the pitcher slide on the liquid and tumble in.(落在水罐边缘的昆虫在液体上滑行,并在里面打滚。)
    Earth lies further out, nearer the galactic 'rim'.(其实地球远离这个中心,甚至都到了银河的边缘了。)
    She looked at him over the rim of her glass.(她沿玻璃杯口看着他。)
    The Hellas Basin, which measures some 3,000 kilometers across and has a floor that lies nearly 9 kilometers below the basin's rim, is another candidate for an ancient Martian sea.(赫拉斯盆地是古老火星海洋位置的另一个候选地点,据测量,其跨度大约为3000公里,并且其底部位于盆地边缘下方接近9公里的位置。)
    rim是什么意思 rim在线翻译 rim什么意思 rim的意思 rim的翻译 rim的解释 rim的发音 rim的同义词