英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 17:24:34
  • 英英释义

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1. succeed at easily

e.g. She sailed through her exams
You will pass with flying colors
She nailed her astrophysics course

Synonym: breeze throughacepass with flying colorssweep throughnail

1. 顺利地通过;轻易地做成
If someone or something sails through a difficult situation or experience, they deal with it easily and successfully.

e.g. While she sailed through her maths exams, he struggled...
e.g. The agreement sailed through the French national assembly by 495 votes to 61.
该协议以 495 票对 61 票在法国国民议会顺利通过。

1. sail through在线翻译

1. 轻快地走过:sail large 顺风航行 | sail through 轻快地走过 | sail under false colors 假冒

2. sail through的翻译

2. 完成:Smell a rat 觉得可疑 | Sail through 完成 | Set him straight 向他解释

3. 顺利地取得:sail v.开船,启航 | sail through 顺利地取得 | A.B. 文学士

4. 顺利通过:to be the safe side 为了保险起见 | 556. sail through 顺利通过 | set sail 启航

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

In an increasingly research-heavy industry, it can be tempting to make the top priority finding an idea that will "sail through research".(在一个调查研究扮演越来越重要角色的行业,最优先找到创意的途径可能会是在调查研究的冲浪中找到创意。)
We say, live that dream now and create around you an aura of happiness that allows you to sail through life.(我们说,现在活出那梦想并且在你们周围创造一种允许你们的生活一帆风顺的快乐气氛。)
But given a song that is just instrumental, it's just such a delight to sail through those little melodies.(但鉴于一首歌,只是工具,这样一个快乐的渡过的那些小的旋律。)
If it cost no more to sail through the Arctic than anywhere else, yes: the savings per voyage would be huge.(如果航行穿过北极不比穿过任何其它地方花费更多,那将是相称的:每一次航程的节省将是巨大的。)
Once you start to experience the positive changes that will also lift you up, you will sail through the last period of this cycle.(一旦你开始“体验”积极的改变就会把你“提升”,你将在这最后的循环中自由翱翔。)
Thanks for his help, we could sail through that grassy slope.(多亏了他的帮助,我们才得以轻快地走过那个长满荒草的斜坡。)
It helped Shanghai sail through that relatively rough patch and rack up double-digit annual economic growth.(它帮助上海渡过了相对困难的时期,实现了两位数的经济增幅。)
And some of us sail through our troubles.(有的人于困难中航行。)
Tony's gonna sail through it. You have nothing to worry about. I promise. Gotta go.(托尼会没事的。你没什么可担心的,我保证。我要离开一会。)
Call these projects "stimulus", and suddenly, a ship headed for the reef of economic disaster might sail through congress flying the flag of economic recovery.(把这些项目称为“刺激”,突然之间,一艘驶向经济灾难暗礁的船可能会打着经济复苏的旗号在国会通过。)
sail through是什么意思 sail through在线翻译 sail through什么意思 sail through的意思 sail through的翻译 sail through的解释 sail through的发音 sail through的同义词