There, a little below the right shoulder blade, and to the side, his scalpel would enter .(他的刀要从那儿进去,在右边肩胛骨下面一点儿,靠边上的地方。)
Yemen is a testing ground for the “scalpel” approach Mr. Brennan endorses.(也门是布瑞南先生提倡的“手术刀式打击”的检验场。)
The specimen can then be removed by cutting beneath the dermis with a scalpel as shown here.(那时标本能被如同展示这里那样,在真皮下用一把解剖刀切割去除。)
The doctor finished the operation but his success depended on the backroom boys who had invented the new laser scalpel.(医生做完了手术,但他的成功有赖于那些发明了新型激光手术刀的研究人员。)
Robots are more precise with a scalpel or laser than a person could ever be.(机器人有着更加精准的解剖刀或镭射刀。)
It's consistent with a scalpel.(和手术刀形成的刀口一致。)
A new scalpel-microwave knife is described in this paper.(本文描述了一种新的手术刀——微波手术刀。)
I said, that day, I would certainly use the scalpel cut open your chest.(我说过,那一天,我便一定要用手术刀剖开你的胸膛。)
This also is Zhang Chaoyang decides to brandish probably one of reasons of "scalpel".(这或许也是张朝阳决定挥动“手术刀”的原因之一。)
Just took what scalpel of 5 years still cannot change pair of Internet to have deep love for.(只是拿了5年的手术刀依然改变不了对互联网的热爱。)
scalpel是什么意思 scalpel在线翻译 scalpel什么意思 scalpel的意思 scalpel的翻译 scalpel的解释 scalpel的发音 scalpel的同义词