英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 21:30:53



英 [ˈsɜ:mən]

美 [ˈsɜ:rmən]


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形容词: sermonic

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  • 讲道
  • 说教
  • 冗长讲话
  • 训斥
  • 启示
  • 训诫
  • 【宗】布道
  • 训导
  • 唠叨得令人厌烦的长篇演讲
  • 道德上的反省
  • 讲稿
  • 劝世文
  • 冗长的说教
  • [C] 布道,讲道,说教 talk given by a priest or minister in church
  • [C] 一大通教训 long talk about moral matters or about sb's faults,etc.


1. a moralistic rebuke

e.g. your preaching is wasted on him

Synonym: preaching

2. an address of a religious nature (usually delivered during a church service)

Synonym: discoursepreaching

1. 布道;讲道
A sermon is a talk on a religious or moral subject that is given by a member of the clergy as part of a church service.


1. 讲道:当讲道结束时,讲员不仅期待人们会了解,喜欢或记得所 教导的,而更期待会众采取行动.布鲁得说:「没有呼召 (summons),就没有讲道(sermon).」 释经讲员主要之目的是要正确地,完全地教导神的话, 并清楚地把信息要点解释出来;

2. sermon的反义词

2. 证道:回过神来证道(Sermon)已经开始,我喜欢那些娓娓道来的宣讲者,今天这位,不论穿着打扮还是语调表情,都像极了chuan销,不理他,低头看英文圣经里那些人名和故事.

3. 信息:牧长祷告(Prayer) 高伟林读经(Scripture Reading) 启示录2:1-7 李景昆信息(Sermon) 起初的爱心 高伟林祝福(Benediction) 高伟林5. NCCEC免税证明(tax exempt)申请文件已送出,依<>申请经验需9-12个月才得批准下来,

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • The minister preaches a sermon now and then.
  • Don't preach me a sermon about being a good boy now,please.
  • Bp. Barry preached a special sermon at St. George's Chapel.

    出自:Daily News
After the thing had closed with a peculiarly afflicting sermon the applause was enthusiastic.(在一个特别令人难受的冗长讲话结束后,热烈的掌声响起。)
It's rather tedious if characters talk like pastors giving a sermon.(如果主人公说话就像牧师在布道,确实会令人乏味。)
When I do a sermon, it needs to last for thirty minutes.(我做布道的时候,一讲就是三十分钟。)
Or - "You tried on that sermon, but good try!"(或者“你这次讲道很努力,干得不错啊。”)
This is the end of Peter's sermon.(这是彼德的布道的结尾。)
"It is a sermon," he said, "on courage as much as anything else."(“它在勇气以及其它各方面阐明了很多道理。”他又说道。)
The title of the book was taken from a Jeremiah Wright sermon.(书名来自赖特牧师的布道文。)
Two of the children always remained for the sermon voluntarily, and the other always remained too--for stronger reasons.(其中两个孩子总是自愿留下来听牧师讲道,另一个也总是留下来——因为更重要的原因。)
The first sermon is not in any one language.(但这第一此证道却并不是用“某一种”语言。)
One day he preached the following sermon in the cathedral.(一天,在天主堂里,他这样布道。)
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