英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈspærəʊ]

美 [ˈspæroʊ]



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  • 【鸟】麻雀
  • 个子小的人
  • 矮个人


1. small brownish European songbird

Synonym: hedge sparrowdunnockPrunella modularis

2. any of several small dull-colored singing birds feeding on seeds or insects

Synonym: true sparrow

1. 麻雀
A sparrow is a small brown bird that is very common in Britain.

1. [鸟]麻雀:finger grip 打捞工具 | sparrow [鸟]麻雀 | omitis 肩炎

Jack Sparrow: Will you tell me something?(杰克·斯派洛:你是不是要告诉我什么事?)
I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. The original. The only!(我是杰克·斯派洛船长。独此一家,如假包换。)
"Very well," answered the sparrow, "do so, and in the meantime, I will perch upon that bush."(“很好,”麻雀回答说,“照我说的做,在这期间,我将栖息在那丛灌木上。”)
With a smile the bigger sparrow replied: "a small case!"(大麻雀笑笑说:“小KS!”)
Sparrow, won’t you fly down south by me?(麻雀啊,你愿意随我飞到南方吗?)
The sparrow said, "thy cruelty shall cost thee thy life yet!"(麻雀说:“你的残忍将使你付出生命的代价!”)
One day, an old Japanese was unhappy because his sparrow flew away.(一天,一位日本老人很不高兴,因为他的麻雀飞走了。)
I am glad you are well and have good friends, dear sparrow.(亲爱的麻雀,我很高兴你过得很好,还有好朋友。)
The sparrow perching upon the third horse, she began to peck him too.(麻雀骑在第三匹马上,也开始啄他。)
The sparrow gave the old man a basket of gold and silver.(麻雀给了老人一篮子金子和银子。)
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