On the way, we spotted a man holding a piece of paper that said, " Lost my job."
在路上, 我们看到一个人拿着一张写着"我失业了"的纸条。
1. an act that brings discredit to the person who does it
e.g. he made a huge blot on his copybook
Synonym: blotsmearsmirchstain
2. a job in an organization
e.g. he occupied a post in the treasury
Synonym: positionpostberthofficebilletplacesituation
3. a business establishment for entertainment
e.g. night spot
4. a playing card with a specified number of pips on it to indicate its value
e.g. an eight-spot
5. a lamp that produces a strong beam of light to illuminate a restricted area
used to focus attention of a stage performer
Synonym: spotlight
6. a small contrasting part of something
e.g. a bald spot
a leopard's spots
a patch of clouds
patches of thin ice
a fleck of red
Synonym: speckledapplepatchfleckmaculation
7. a blemish made by dirt
e.g. he had a smudge on his cheek
Synonym: smudgeblotdaubsmearsmirchslur
8. an outstanding characteristic
e.g. his acting was one of the high points of the movie
Synonym: point
9. a section of an entertainment that is assigned to a specific performer or performance
e.g. they changed his spot on the program
10. a short section or illustration (as between radio or tv programs or in a magazine) that is often used for advertising
11. a mark on a die or on a playing card (shape depending on the suit)
Synonym: pip
12. a point located with respect to surface features of some region
e.g. this is a nice place for a picnic
a bright spot on a planet
Synonym: topographic pointplace
13. a small piece or quantity of something
e.g. a spot of tea
a bit of paper
a bit of lint
I gave him a bit of my mind
Synonym: bit
14. a slight attack of illness
e.g. he has a touch of rheumatism
Synonym: touch
1. mark with a spot or spots so as to allow easy recognition
e.g. spot the areas that one should clearly identify
2. become spotted
e.g. This dress spots quickly
3. make a spot or mark onto
e.g. The wine spotted the tablecloth
Synonym: fleckblobblot
4. mar or impair with a flaw
e.g. her face was blemished
Synonym: blemish
5. catch sight of
Synonym: descryespyspy
6. detect with the senses
e.g. The fleeing convicts were picked out of the darkness by the watchful prison guards
I can't make out the faces in this photograph
Synonym: recognizerecognisedistinguishdiscernpick outmake outtell apart
1. 小圆点;斑点
Spots are small, round, coloured areas on a surface.
e.g. The leaves have yellow areas on the top and underneath are powdery orange spots...
e.g. The swimsuit comes in navy with white spots or blue with green spots.
2. (皮肤上的)小肿块,斑点
Spots on a person's skin are small lumps or marks.
e.g. Never squeeze blackheads, spots or pimples.
3. (液体的)滴,点
A spot of a liquid is a small amount of it.
e.g. Spots of rain had begun to fall...
e.g. Secure with a few spots of glue.
4. 少量;少许
If you have a spot of something, you have a small amount of it.
e.g. Mr Brooke is undoubtedly in a spot of bother...
e.g. A year or two ago I found myself indulging in a spot of yachting in Finnish waters...
5. 地点;处所
You can refer to a particular place as a spot .
e.g. They stayed at several of the island's top tourist spots...
e.g. They all stood there staring, as if frozen to the spot.
6. (电视、广播节目的)固定时段
A spot in a television or radio show is a part of it that is regularly reserved for a particular performer or type of entertainment.
e.g. Unsuccessful at screen writing, he got a spot on a CNN film show.
7. 看到;发现;认出
If you spot something or someone, you notice them.
e.g. Vicenzo failed to spot the error...
e.g. He left the party seconds before smoke was spotted coming up the stairs.
8. 在现场
If you are on the spot, you are at the actual place where something is happening.
e.g. ...areas where troops are on the spot and protecting civilians...
e.g. Mr Connolly is their 'man on the spot' and the person you can call if you have a complaint.
9. 立即;当场
If you do something on the spot, you do it immediately.
e.g. James was called to see the producer and got the job on the spot...
e.g. The surveyor will use a laptop computer to give on the spot advice.
10. 使…陷入困境;使…为难
If you put someone on the spot, you cause them to have to answer a difficult question or make a difficult decision.
e.g. He put me on the spot a bit because he invited me right in front of his mum and I didn't particularly want to go...
e.g. Even clever people are not terribly clever when put on the spot.
11. 处于困境
If you are in a tight spot, you are in a difficult situation.
e.g. In a tight spot there is no one I would sooner see than Frank.
12. rooted to the spot -> see rooted
to have a soft spot for someone -> see soft
1. 现货:道琼斯公司除了股价指数之外,还提供道琼斯商品行情指数(Dow-Jones Commodity Index),分为现货(spot)与期货(futures)两类,每日提供全美商品行情. 日经股价指数 Nikkei Stock Average 是东京证券交易所采用了美国道琼斯公司所发展出来的股价修正计算方式计算出来的每日股价指数.
2. 光点:一般的相机通常都依据测光范围来提供平均测光/中央集中测光/点(spot)测光等三种测光方式. 处理像花朵照片一样固定的特定被射体的背景时,多使用测光范围最小的点测光. 设定点测光的话可以测定,分布在相当于相机画面中央部位2 ~ 5%的小范围内的光线量,
3. spot:single property ownership trust; 单一房地产所有权信托
4. spot的近义词
4. spot:satellite probatoire d ' observation de la terrestre; 斯波特卫星
5. spot:satellite positionting and tracking; 人造卫星定位及跟踪
6. spot:satellite positioning and tracking; 卫星定位和跟踪
Garages & Parking-(车库和停车)
A:You should save some money on parking here.
B:Yeah, I don’t have to pay for a space on the street.
A:Really? How long did it take you to find a spot yesterday?
B:Well, last night it took me half an hour to find a spot when I came home from work.
A:You get home late, don’t you?
B:Yeah, around seven. Most of the street parking is gone by then.
A:Ah, well. You can’t have everything.
B:Yeah. I can live with it. It’s great to be living alone.
1. on the spot : 当场, 在现场;
2. in a spot : 在困难中, 处于劣境中;
3. off the spot : 不准确, 离题;
4. hit the spot : 合口味;
Spots of dirt that we are about to wash from our hands.
出自:Sir W. ScottThe tears will fall on your green silk gown, and spot it.
出自:L. F. Baum词源解说