英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [spri:]

美 [spri]



  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 无节制的狂热行为
  • 欢闹
  • 狂欢
  • 纵乐
  • 阵发性的暴力行动
  • 一通(犯罪活动)
  • 作乐
  • 嬉戏
  • 玩乐
  • 狂饮作乐
  • 一阵(犯罪活动)
  • 戏耍
  • 喧闹
  • 宴会
  • 狂饮
  • 一阵
  • 醉酒的一段时间
  • 无节制行为的一段时间
  • 施普雷河(德国哈韦尔河左支流)
  • 狂饮作乐
  • 纵乐
  • 喝得兴高采烈
  • 狂欢
  • 狂饮


1. a brief indulgence of your impulses

Synonym: fling



1. engage without restraint in an activity and indulge, as when shopping

1. 毫无节制;纵情
If you spend a period of time doing something in an excessive way, you can say that you are going on a particular kind of spree .

e.g. Some Americans went on a spending spree in December to beat the new tax.
一些美国人在 12 月疯狂花钱,以避开新税。

1. 狂欢:对了,星座马上有一个聚会活动哦,在北京,欢迎各位帅哥美女前去参加,这一定会是狂欢(spree)的一天哦.

2. 施普雷:◆柏林的河流--施普雷(Spree)河◆柏林的河流--施普雷(Spree)河◆柏林的河流--施普雷(Spree)河◆柏林的河流--施普雷(Spree)河◆柏林的河流--施普雷(Spree)河◆柏林的河流--施普雷(Spree)河◆柏林的河流--施普雷(Spree)河◆柏林的河流

3. 无节制的疯狂行为:8.faddish 一时流行的 | 9.spree 无节制的疯狂行为 | 10.buying spree 狂购乱买

4. 欢闹:glee 欢乐,高兴 | spree 欢闹 | jamboree 欢乐的聚会

  • 相关词组

  • 经典引文

1. be on the spree : 在狂欢中;

2. have a spree : 狂欢作乐;

3. go on the spree : 行乐, 狂饮胡闹一番;

  • They thought he would be on a spree and cause trouble.

    出自:W. C. Williams
  • He drank too muchsstealing money..to support his sprees.

    出自:P. Auster
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Dubai, if its spending spree lasts, launches its 185-metre wheel as part of the Dubailand theme park.(在花钱大手大脚的迪拜,作为主题公园“迪拜乐园”的一部分,一个185米高的摩天轮也动工了。)
Some companies have used the cash for an overseas shopping spree.(一些公司用手头的资金大举进行海外收购。)
Many people use the money to pay off their debts; some go on a spending spree.(有的人用这些钱付清了债务;有的人则一头扎进了消费热潮中。)
They went on the spree and spent a lot of money.(他们大吃大喝,花了一大笔钱。)
It doesn't matter, so long as they're enjoyable, and not likely to have negative side effects, such as drinking too much alcohol or going on a wild spending spree if you're on a tight budget.(这没关系,只要它们是令人愉快的,而且不太可能有负面影响,比如喝太多酒或者在预算紧张的情况下疯狂消费。)
The result was a shooting spree in which over 2, 500 people died in three months.(结果是一场射击狂欢:三个月内超过2,500人死于这场运动。)
He's out on a spree.(他到外面潇洒去了。)
An Amish splinter group has gone on a crime spree, forcibly cutting the beards off of their rivals.(一只从文诺教分离出的派别疯狂作案,强行割去反对者的胡须。)
The massive property-building spree also looks as if it too needs considerable more scrutiny.(目前大量的房产建设项目看起来也需要重新进行更为严谨的审核。)
In April 1995, during his amber-cracking spree, Cano made another important discovery.(1995年春,正当卡诺兴高采烈的把各种琥珀弄碎时,他找到了另外一个重要的发现。)
spree是什么意思 spree在线翻译 spree什么意思 spree的意思 spree的翻译 spree的解释 spree的发音 spree的同义词