英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 22:20:32



英 [ˈsteɪpl]

美 [ˈstepəl]




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过去式: stapled 过去分词: stapled 现在分词: stapling 第三人称单数: staples

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  • 主要成分
  • 主题
  • 主食
  • 原料
  • 主要商品,主要产品,主要产物
  • 钩环,锁环
  • U形钉
  • 订书针
  • 日常必需品,常用品
  • 肘钉
  • 纤维,纤维的长度
  • 名产
  • 销路稳定的商品
  • 大宗出产
  • 重要商品
  • 主要的,(最)重要的
  • 经常需要的
  • 经常用的
  • 纺织纤维的
  • 大宗生产的
  • 常产的
  • 定长的
  • 基本的
  • 销路稳定的
  • 用U形钉固定
  • 用订书针钉
  • 把…分级,把…分类
  • 用骑马钉钉住
  • 分拣,分齐,分级,分类
  • 穿吊眼(结网)
  • [C] 钉书钉 a small piece of thin wire with two square corners which is driven into sheets of paper,etc.,and bent over on the other side to hold them together
  • vt. 用钉书钉钉住 fasten with staples


1. (usually plural) a necessary commodity for which demand is constant

Synonym: basic

2. paper fastener consisting of a short length of U-shaped wire that can fasten papers together

3. a short U-shaped wire nail for securing cables

4. material suitable for manufacture or use or finishing

Synonym: raw material

5. a natural fiber (raw cotton, wool, hemp, flax) that can be twisted to form yarn

e.g. staple fibers vary widely in length

Synonym: staple fiberstaple fibre


1. secure or fasten with a staple or staples

e.g. staple the papers together


1. necessary or important, especially regarding food or commodities

e.g. wheat is a staple crop

1. (食物、产品或活动)主要的,基本的
A staple food, product, or activity is one that is basic and important in people's everyday lives.

e.g. Rice is the staple food of more than half the world's population...
e.g. The Chinese also eat a type of pasta as part of their staple diet...

2. 主要部分;重要内容
A staple is something that forms an important part of something else.

e.g. Political reporting has become a staple of American journalism.

3. 订书钉
Staples are small pieces of bent wire that are used mainly for holding sheets of paper together firmly. You put the staples into the paper using a device called a stapler.


4. 用订书机订
If you staple something, you fasten it to something else or fix it in place using staples.

e.g. Staple some sheets of paper together into a book.
e.g. ...polythene bags stapled to an illustrated card.

1. 订书钉:session facade模式是EJB开发中的订书钉(staple). 它加强了高效率和可重用性的设计,和清楚的分离了 表示逻辑(客户端),商业逻辑(session facade)和 数据逻辑(entity bean,等等). session facade描述了 一个有用的实现任何类型用例的架构;

2. 形钉:再用75%的酒精脱碘,即用酒精棉球由内向外擦去碘酒的方法. 耳针刺激时如取15°或更小角度刺入皮下以免刺入耳软骨,则颇难引起软骨炎. 国外一些人还把特制的U形钉(staple)射入耳壳以获长期的针刺刺激,因为易引起感染,不宜采用.

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • Hold the paper together with staples.
  • Could you help me to staple the reports together?
  • Whitehall..became the chief staple of news.

  • Wool with a long staple..is easiest to comb and spin.

    出自:Art Craft
  • We confined ourselves to tea, because it is the staple drink.

    出自:Leigh Hunt
  • Textile manufacture, the town's staple source of income.

    出自:E. Jones
  • The staple food of the household was fish fingers..and frozen peas.

    出自:F. Weldon
  • Cabbage, swede,..and beetroot were the staple vegetables.

    出自:L. Chamberlain
  • The detective story..formed part of the staple diet of the reading public.

    出自:Janet Morgan
  • A clasp-knife..went through Connor's boot and stapled his foot to the floor.

    出自:J. Gaskell
  • The wad of stapled foolscap sheets.

    出自:P. B. Yuill
  • The moisture barrier is provided by a building paper stapled to the sheathing.

    出自:J. S. Foster
  • 考研真题例句

考研真题例句 OG 1.staple

They're encouraging the consumer to swap out the single-use plastic staples like straws and cutlery to combat the plastics crisis.



  • 近义词

  • 临近词

A frequent proposal for highly skilled workers comes with the slogan, "Staple a green card to the diploma."(对高技能工人的建议经常伴随着这样的口号:“将绿卡钉在文凭上。”)
But it's a staple of the islands.(但是,这是岛上的主食。)
The price of staple foods such as rice, eggs, cabbages have doubled and even quadrupled in some areas.(大米、鸡蛋、卷心菜等主食的价格在一些地区翻了一番甚至四倍。)
Cereals, rich in carbohydrates, provide the staple of many human diets.(谷物富含碳水化合物,是许多人饮食中的主食。)
With the use of fire and grindstones, large amounts of cereals were consumed and transformed into staple foods.(由于使用火和磨石,大量谷物被消耗并转化为主食。)
Fish is a staple in the diet of many Africans.(鱼是许多非洲人饮食中的主食。)
Royal gossip is a staple of the tabloid press.(围绕王室成员的飞短流长是小报的主要内容。)
The plan has good chances of success, since sweet potato is a staple of the region's diet and agriculture, and the varieties currently grown contain little beta-carotene.(该计划成功的机会很大,因为红薯是该地区的主食和主要农产品,而且目前种植的品种几乎不含胡萝卜素。)
Rice is Japan's staple food.(大米是日本人的主食。)
Sex and violence seem to be the staple diet of television drama.(性和暴力好像是电视剧离不开的内容。)
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