英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 18:42:00



英 [ˈstaɪpend]

美 [ˈstaɪˌpɛnd, -pənd]


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  • 定期津贴
  • 薪俸
  • 定期生活津贴
  • 薪水
  • 俸给
  • (生活)津贴
  • 薪饷
  • 退休金
  • 奖学金
  • 养老金
  • 助学金
  • 报酬
  • 献仪
  • 薪金



1. a sum of money allotted on a regular basis
usually for some specific purpose

1. (尤指地方法官或神职人员的)薪俸,生活津贴
A stipend is a sum of money that is paid regularly, especially to a magistrate or a member of the clergy, as a salary or for their living expenses.

2. 助学金;奖学金
A stipend is a sum of money that is paid to a student for their living expenses.

1. 薪金:申请者通常必须有本科学历.助教/助研就是学生在教授手下工作,协助教授的教学和科研,也有少数的行政管理工作.竞争助教/助研的位子是白热化的,因为如果能干上助教/助研,学生除了拿薪金(stipend)外,通常学校还给学生免部分学费,


2. 津贴:研究认为,在条件合适的时机下,中国的志愿者补助体系应该借鉴美国的现有模式,即将补助分成补助(Allwance)和津贴(Stipend). 其中津贴只有在志愿者服务期限完成之后,一次性支付;补助部分则定期发放. 制定补助的政策主要应该考虑两方面的内容:1>>补助的构成成份;

3. stipend什么意思

3. 薪水:spent,ajd,用尽的,精疲力竭的 | stipend,薪水, | suspend,悬浮

4. 定期生活津贴;薪俸:stink 臭 | stipend 定期生活津贴;薪俸 | stippling 点描法(美版海图中浅海部分表示法

  • 经典引文

  • He would become a clerk in a government office and bring back a monthly stipend.

    出自:N. Farah
  • The perpetual curacy..carried a stipend of s180 per annum.

    出自:M. Lane
Many universities around the world offer scholarships for Masters' or PhD programs, along with a small stipend and sometimes student housing.(世界各地许多大学都会向攻读硕士或博士学位的人提供奖学金,有时甚至还提供住宿和少量津贴。)
"A stipend brings something to the family," Tembon says. "It compensates for the girl being away from the home."(Tembon说:“助学金给家庭带来了收益,补偿了女童不在家的损失。”)
WAO will contribute a monthly stipend and yearly travel expenses.(WAO将按月支付薪水和一年一次的旅途交通费用。)
For one thing it does not count anyone made redundant who still receives some sort of stipend.(首先一点是,该数字没有计算任何被解雇但仍在接受某种补助金的人。)
Volunteering is usually not paid, but more and more places are offering a stipend payment for your trouble.(志愿者一般是无偿的,但是现在越来越多的地方能为志愿者提供津贴。)
The subsidized housing is solid, and residents receive a small annual stipend.(补助房建得很坚固,居民每年还能拿到不多的津贴。)
My university offered a modest stipend on top of the free private dorm room, but not all colleges provide the stipend.(我的大学提供最舒适的单人寝室。)
Red Gate provided the space and a small stipend to the successful applicants.(红门将为成功的申请者提供必要的空间和小额的津贴。)
There will moreover be a stipend of fifty pounds a year.(每年还有五十镑一笔薪俸。)
So she was told she wouldn't get her stipend the next week unless the shed was built.(她被告知下周不能领取补贴,除非她把羊棚弄好。)
stipend是什么意思 stipend在线翻译 stipend什么意思 stipend的意思 stipend的翻译 stipend的解释 stipend的发音 stipend的同义词