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更新时间:2025-03-10 20:50:32



英 [ˈstraɪdnt]

美 [ˈstraɪdn:t]


副词: stridently 名词: stridence

  • 详情解释

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  • 刺耳的,尖锐的
  • 吱吱尖叫的,轧轧叫的,唧唧叫的,轧轧(作)响的
  • 强硬的,咄咄逼人的
  • 喘鸣性的



1. unpleasantly loud and harsh

Synonym: raucous

2. being sharply insistent on being heard

e.g. strident demands
shrill criticism

Synonym: shrill

3. of speech sounds produced by forcing air through a constricted passage (as `f', `s', `z', or `th' in both `thin' and `then')

Synonym: fricativecontinuantsibilantspirant

4. conspicuously and offensively loud
given to vehement outcry

e.g. blatant radios
a clamorous uproar
strident demands
a vociferous mob

Synonym: blatantclamantclamorousvociferous

1. 强硬的;咄咄逼人的;坚定的
If you use strident to describe someone or the way they express themselves, you mean that they make their feelings or opinions known in a very strong way that perhaps makes people uncomfortable.

e.g. She was increasingly seen as a strident feminist.
e.g. ...the unnecessarily strident tone of the President's remarks...

He was arrested in 1984 on suspicion of being a spy — a charge he stridently denies...
他因涉嫌从事间谍活动于 1984 年被捕——他对这一指控极力否认。
In the late 1920s the party began to adopt a more stridently nationalistic posture.
在 19 世纪 20 年代后期,该党开始执行一种更加坚定的民族主义路线。

2. 刺耳的;尖锐的
If a voice or sound is strident, it is loud, harsh, and unpleasant to listen to.


e.g. She tried to laugh, and the sound was harsh and strident...
e.g. He could hear Hilton's strident voice rising in vehement argument with Houston.

1. strident的翻译

1. 刺耳的:stridence 刺耳 | strident 刺耳的 | stridulate 发出尖声


2. 刺耳:tone-deaf五音不全 | strident刺耳harsh | shrill尖叫

3. 尖度;阻擦度:stridency 阻礙 | strident 尖度;阻擦度 | strident-mellow 刺耳的;發生嘶嘶尖銳音;阻擦;粗糙性

4. 吱吱尖叫的:strideforwardwithone'schinupstrideproudlyaheadprance 昂首阔步 | strident 吱吱尖叫的 | strobe 起滤波作用

  • 经典引文

  • The telephone rang, sounding unnaturally strident in the quiet room.

    出自:P. D. James
  • Congress will now come under strident pressure..for an amendment.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The tone of Attorney General Shutleff's subsequent Tweets seem strident and unprofessional.(施特·莱夫总检察长随后的微博客的口气显得似乎既不专业又很刺耳。)
There was a long pause, which the inner devils filled with strident laughter; then May freed herself from his arms and stood up.(一阵长时间的停顿。这时,内心深处的邪恶又发出刺耳的狂笑。后来,梅挣脱他的怀抱站了起来。)
In the 45-minute telephone interview Thursday night, Ms. Stone was at first strident and then contrite about her remarks.(这次电话采访是在本周四晚上,长达45分钟,沙浪斯通首先情绪激动言语尖锐,接下来才对自己的评论表示后悔。)
Some writers have suggested that Egypt's strident rhetoric has hampered the spirit of co-operation between Nile states.(一些作家认为,正是埃及这种激进的言辞,妨碍了尼罗河国家之间的合作。)
The language in Ballmer's latest letter was markedly more strident than in his first letter to the Yahoo! board, dated Jan. 31.(Ballmer最近这封信的言辞相较1月31日写给雅虎董事会的那封更为尖锐。)
In the final chapter, however, he adopts a far more strident voice.(然而,在最后的章节中,它却采取了更为尖锐的表达。)
The way that the song ends, with repeated screams from Yorke, after a very strident guitar led interlude.(歌曲结束时,Yorke在一段十分刺耳的吉他间奏后反复地嘶吼。)
The bluff strident words struck the note sailors understood, and they cheered him lustily.(水手们听明白了他直率而粗鲁的话语,他们热烈地为他欢呼。)
Denunciations will only grow more strident.(谴责只会让事态变得更加尖锐。)
I'm sympathetic to that view, but I think it's unnecessarily strident.(我赞同这种看法,但是我想没有必要这么尖锐。)
strident是什么意思 strident在线翻译 strident什么意思 strident的意思 strident的翻译 strident的解释 strident的发音 strident的同义词