英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 18:18:54


英 [ˌsʌbkənˈtrækt]

美 [ˌsʌbˈkɑ:ntrækt]


过去式: subcontracted 过去分词: subcontracted 现在分词: subcontracting 第三人称单数: subcontracts

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  • 转包合同
  • 分包合同
  • 转订的契约
  • 转包工程
  • 转定合同
  • 对象
  • 分契
  • 转包
  • 分包
  • 制定(履行)转包
  • 承做转包工作
  • 订立分包合同


1. a contract assigning to another party some obligations of a prior contract


1. work under a subcontract
engage in a subcontract

2. arranged for contracted work to be done by others

Synonym: farm outjob

The verb is pronounced /ˌsʌbkən'trækt/. The noun is pronounced /sʌb'kɒntrækt/. 动词读作 /ˌsʌbkən'trækt/,名词读作 /sʌb'kɒntrækt/。

1. 将…分包;将…转包
If one firm subcontracts part of its work to another firm, it pays the other firm to do part of the work that it has been employed to do.


e.g. The company is subcontracting production of most of the parts...
e.g. They are cutting costs by subcontracting work out to other local firms.

2. 分包合同;转包契约
A subcontract is a contract between a firm which is being employed to do a job and another firm which agrees to do part of that job.

1. subcontract的意思

1. 分包:人力资源专家的作用将是分包( subcontract( 2)广泛使用虚拟交互作用与技术,缺乏技术技能和群件(groupware)的专家其作用将逐渐削弱;(3)人力资源部的革新由战略目标驱动,并用定量测度的方法进行评估;(4)人力资源部处于一系列单独、平行的行业中工作(Wil

2. 分包合同:分包商可以分为以下三种类型:一个好的分包合同(Subcontract)是管理好分包商的前提条件,实际上,从某种意义上讲,对分包商的管理也就是分包合同的管理. 一般来说,分包合同包括分包协议、报价表、分包合同条件、分包工作范围以及工程量、分包施工规范以及图纸等.

3. 转包合同:大企业的垂直式的产业组织结构渐渐失去它的主导作用,社会经济活动开始用水平的平行网络联结起来;上下游之间的经济关系由交易合同取代而不再是行政式的企业内部关系,转包合同(subcontract)是新的交易关系的主要形式.

4. subcontract的翻译

4. 转包:改革后,政府仍是大股东毕胜戈认为,在投资主体的多元化上,中国国有大型军工企业更有可能采取一些不那么激进的措施,比如将一些零配件生产业务合同转包(subcontract)给别的企业;或者是将国防企业中纯商业的那部分剥离出来,成立单独的企业,

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

To do so he used another peer-to-peer website to subcontract the job of assessing creditworthiness to a number of ordinary people.(为此他使用另一个点对点借贷网站,将信用评估的工作分包给了一些普通人。)
The SaaS could help determine the business processes to use for capacity planning in subcontract manufacturing.(这个SaaS还能帮助决定生产转包中的容量计划所需的业务流程。)
The advance payments made to the subcontractors prior to the completion of the subcontract works.(在分包工程的工作量完成之前预付给分包单位的款项。)
The persons accepting the subcontracts shall have corresponding qualifications and may not subcontract it again to other persons.(接受分包的人应当具备相应的资格条件,并不得再次分包。)
Within direct costs, expenses are divided into material, subcontract, temporary work and machinery costs.(在直接成本里面,又将支出划分为材料费、合同分包费、临时工作费和机械费。)
The primary form of land transfer includes subcontract, lease, resale, interchange in Taian city.(泰安市农村土地流转形式主要有转包、出租、转让、互换等。)
Y es, we subcontract almost all the joiner work.(时的,我们把所有的细木工舾装都分包出去。)
It is forbidden for a contractor to subcontract its projects to a unit without corresponding qualifications.(禁止承包人将工程分包给不具备相应资质条件的单位。)
We have to subcontract the production to some small factories since time is limited.(由于时间有限,我们不得不将生产转包给一些小厂家。)
The most likely outcome may be to subcontract much of the work to an outsider.(最有可能的结果是把大量工作分包给外部人员。)
subcontract是什么意思 subcontract在线翻译 subcontract什么意思 subcontract的意思 subcontract的翻译 subcontract的解释 subcontract的发音 subcontract的同义词