英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:03:49



英 [ˈsu:tʃə(r)]

美 [ˈsutʃɚ]



形容词: sutural 副词: suturally 过去式: sutured 过去分词: sutured 现在分词: suturing 第三人称单数: sutures

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1. thread of catgut or silk or wire used by surgeons to stitch tissues together

2. a seam used in surgery

Synonym: surgical seam

3. an immovable joint (especially between the bones of the skull)

Synonym: suturafibrous joint


1. join with a suture

e.g. suture the wound after surgery

1. (尤指手术后伤口的)缝线,缝合
A suture is a stitch made to join together the open parts of a wound, especially one made after a patient has been operated on.


1. 缝合线:壳顶端称壳顶(apexex),为最早形成的一层,各螺层间的界限为缝合线(suture),深浅不一. 体螺层的开口称壳口(aperture),壳口内侧为内唇,外侧为外唇. 壳口常有一盖,称厣(Oper culum),角质或石灰质,为足的后端分泌形成,可封闭壳口.


2. 缝线:表 1-2 针尖针体 圆针 三角针 弯针 半臂针 直针 无槽针孔 有槽 按孔 无损伤 适用于一般软组织和内脏 适用于皮肤或其他坚韧组织 一般缝合应用 皮肤缝合应用 皮肤或胃肠浆膜缝合 缝线突出损伤组织 缝线在槽内,组织损伤小 缝线穿过容易,但易脱出并被损伤易断 特制用于精细组织的缝合十,缝线(Suture) 分为可吸收缝线及

3. 缝:在昆虫中所谓的缝(suture)是由相邻两骨片并接所留下的分界线. 三、体长和体向 (一)体长:昆虫的成虫大小差异悬殊,最小的如赤眼蜂类体长仅o.25mm,而有的竹节虫体长可超过300mm. 昆虫的体长是指头部的最前端到腹部末端的长度,

That's it. Give me a curette. Fine. I'll suture now. Was that uncomfortable?(对了。给我一把刮匙。好。我现在就给你缝上。会不舒服吗?)
It's suture.(那是缝合线。)
Objective To compare the effects of fibrin glue adhesion or epineurium suture on repairing injured peripheral nerves.(目的比较纤维蛋白胶粘合法与神经外膜缝合法修复周围神经损伤的效果。)
The numerous rivers heart surface, threads a needle the line to suture sadly.(千沟万壑的心脏表面,穿针走线般地缝合进悲伤。)
The braided silk suture applies to ophtha-imology department and general surgical department .(医用编织丝线,适用于眼科、普外科。)
Closed dart is often used to the actual Province, the provincial side to side folding, will receive the amount of suture to tip.(闭合省道常用于实际的省中,指将省道的一边向另一边折叠,将收省量缝合至省尖。)
The little details, to the tail of the last skin suture, are what make the difference.((治疗结果)差别存在于最小的不同,直到最后的皮肤缝合。)
Heartache, you can think of. Broken heart, and his own a person slowly suture.(心伤了,才会想起你。心碎了,自己一个人慢慢缝合。)
Objective To study the use of different biliary suture modes in liver transplantation.(目的比较不同的缝合方法在肝移植胆道重建中的应用。)
I'll have to put in a suture (stitch). Give me the black silk. 000 suture, Miss Jones.(我要给她缝合,琼丝小姐。把黑丝000号缝合针拿来。)
suture是什么意思 suture在线翻译 suture什么意思 suture的意思 suture的翻译 suture的解释 suture的发音 suture的同义词