英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:14:04



英 ['tɑ:rəʊ]

美 ['tɑ:roʊ]


名词复数: taros

  • 英英释义

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1. tropical starchy tuberous root

Synonym: taro rootcocoyamdasheenedda

2. herb of the Pacific islands grown throughout the tropics for its edible root and in temperate areas as an ornamental for its large glossy leaves

Synonym: taro plantdalodasheenColocasia esculenta

3. edible starchy tuberous root of taro plants

Synonym: cocoyamdasheeneddo

1. 芋头:1)斐济人以芋头(Taro)、树薯(Cassava)及面包果为主食,Rourou为其名菜(做法是将猪、牛、鸡、鱼、等肉类包在大芋头叶中,在里头以炙热石头烧烤,充满原始风味.)在斐济的印度族人则因信仰印度教、回教及素食主义者教义各异,

2. 芋艿:里芙可以在这里烤一种叫芋艿(taro)的山芋,那是种可口的植物块根,由前人引水注入沼泽种植,现在就在皇后泉的下方湿地上野生野长. 大型的心形叶让我可以辨识出哪里长了芋艿. 混在它们之中的,还有一些叶子更大的野生植物,

3. 野芋:可以种植的农作物只有椰子和野芋. 近年不断出现灾害,使沿岸多次发生浸水事件,海水进入井水. 可耕土地和灌溉用水的减少主食野芋(taro)无法栽培. 农产品的产量下降,人们的饮食习惯不得不发生改变,目前,大约50%居民依赖进口食品.

Taro Aso has made several mistakes in previous speeches in Japanese parliament live broadcasts after he became prime minister.(麻生上任后,曾几次在电视直播的国会发言中念了错别字。)
The prime minister, Taro Aso, has an approval rating below 10%, according to a recent opinion poll.(最近的一项民意调查显示,日本首相麻生太郎(Taroaso)的民意支持率不到10%。)
According to Deng, Japan imports taro from Chenzhou because of its high quality.(据邓说,日本从郴州进口芋头是因为其的质量高。)
Asian populations in Seattle enjoy green bean, red bean and taro flavor ice creams.(在西雅图生活的亚洲人喜欢绿豆、红豆和香芋口味的冰淇淋。)
Former Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso is widely expected to assume the post of Prime Minister this week.(外界普遍预计,日本前外相麻生太郎这个星期将出任首相职务。)
And we went into the poisonous giant tubers, like the yam and the taro, which also had to be leeched, ground up and cooked before we could eat them.(我们也寻找到了那些带有毒性的、个头颇大的块茎,像山药、芋头,这些在食用之前得经过榨取、提炼和烹饪。)
This year, we used the purplish tuber in taro and pumpkin tofu puffs.(这年,我们用紫色块茎中的芋头,南瓜豆腐泡。)
Lisa: I'd guess it was taro.(莉莎:我想是芋头吧。)
The crispy and slightly sour preserved taro stem offsets the greasiness of the duck.(那松脆和微酸的腌制芋头茎弥补了鸭的油腻。)
Taro Aso, Japan's prime minister, visited the Russian island of Sakhalin for the opening of a liquefied natural-gas plant.(日本首相麻生太郎访问俄罗斯萨哈林岛,讨论开设天然气工厂。)
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