英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-12-16 21:09:29



英 [ˈtentətɪv]

美 [ˈtɛntətɪv]


副词: tentatively 名词: tentativeness

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  • 尝试的
  • 踌躇的
  • 暂时的
  • 试验性的
  • 暂时性的
  • 犹豫的
  • 犹豫不定的
  • 不果断的
  • 不确定的
  • 尝试性的
  • 试探性的
  • 试验(性质)的
  • 踌躇(莫决)的
  • 无把握的
  • 实验性的
  • 试探的
  • 临时的
  • 试验的
  • 试验
  • 试验性提案
  • 假说
  • 【律】未遂罪
  • 实验
  • 暂定
  • 试探
  • 假设
  • 试探性的;试验的;尝试性的 made or done to find out what may happen;experimental;not yet decided


1. under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon

e.g. probationary employees
a provisional government
just a tentative schedule

Synonym: probationaryprovisionalprovisionary

2. unsettled in mind or opinion

e.g. drew a few tentative conclusions

Synonym: doubtful

1. (协议、计划、安排)暂行的,临时的,试探性的
Tentative agreements, plans, or arrangements are not definite or certain, but have been made as a first step.

e.g. Political leaders have reached a tentative agreement to hold a preparatory conference next month...
e.g. Such theories are still very tentative.

The next round of talks is tentatively scheduled to begin October 21st in Washington.

2. 踌躇不决的;犹豫的
If someone is tentative, they are cautious and not very confident because they are uncertain or afraid.


e.g. My first attempts at complaining were rather tentative...
e.g. She did not return his tentative smile.

Perhaps, he suggested tentatively, they should send for Dr Band.

1. 试验性的:抑且,由于英美法传统在哲学上信奉的是「理性经验主义」(rational empiricism),认为人类的一切智识都出自经验(experience),而所谓的「真理」(truth),乃是试验性的(tentative)、变动不定的,而且经常在验证之中的(注三四).

2. 暂时的:有意思的是,大多数权威专家的知识是通过科学研究而来的,甚至由科学而来的知识只是暂时的(tentative)真理,有待于通过更多的研究进一步证实或辩驳. 因此,对于大多数人而言,求知的第二种方法是来自某一领域的专家或来自书本.

3. 试验:在职业选择过程中,有三个特别的时期或阶段,分别是幻想(fantasy)、试验(tentative)及实际(realistic) (Ginzber等人,1951,引自Vernon G. Zunker,1998,生涯发展的理论与实务P.35). 依据他们的研究,试验时期(青少年初期 十一至十七岁)分为四个阶段,

4. 尝试性的:首先,它是尝试性的(tentative)和探索性的(exploratory),包含着不断修正且多层次的复合信息. 草图绘制过程是非正式的,但又应该是准确而刻意的,因为草图的目标直指现实世界,而且这样的准确性在设计的发展过程中将会越来越明显--到最后,

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • We've made a tentative plan for the vacation but haven't really decided yet.
  • He took a tentative step to see if the weakness had gone.

    出自:Scott Fitzgerald
  • Guesswork can only produce tentative conclusions.

    出自:G. Battiscombe
  • Her tentative grasp of the facts..undermined her confidence.

    出自:J. Dunn
Yet in other moments he seems petulant, tentative and even frail.(但在其他时候,他显得暴躁、迟疑甚至脆弱。)
Please make a tentative guess about the passage according to the pictures.(请根据图片对这篇文章做一个初步猜测。)
Like all arguments in philosophy, it would be a tentative argument.(与哲学里的其他论证一样,这将是一个暂时性的论证。)
Perhaps all of us have tentative notions about the future. Some of us fear and some of us rejoice.(我们对于未来都有一些模糊的概念。我们有些人感到恐惧,有些人则充满喜悦。)
If you don't want to sound impolite, or cause embarrassment or distress of any kind to the person you're talking to, you should learn to use tactful and tentative forms in your English.(如果你不想听起来不礼貌,或对与你谈话的人造成任何形式的尴尬或窘迫,你应该学会在你的英语中使用委婉试探性的话语。)
This remains tentative.(此举仍然只是一种试探。)
The Aussies’ attitude to China remains tentative.(澳洲人对于中国的态度依旧犹豫不决。)
Could we make a tentative appointment for Friday?(我们能暂时先约在星期五吗?)
Socially tentative, she did not make waves in the world of poetry.(她不善社交,不曾在诗坛呼风唤雨;)
We've drawn up a tentative program for the next two weeks.(我们制定了一个之后两个星期的试探性计划。)
tentative是什么意思 tentative在线翻译 tentative什么意思 tentative的意思 tentative的翻译 tentative的解释 tentative的发音 tentative的同义词