The mutual termination of the employment contract must occur beforethe end of the registration period for the player to fall under theaforementioned exception33.(雇佣合同的协商解约须在注册期结束前发生,在这种情况下球员方属于上述的例外情况[10]。)
The total could rise to 4m by the end of April, when the existing emergency benefits programme expires and those still enrolled in it face the termination of their benefits.(明年4月份,现行紧急救助计划将到期,届时失去救济金的总人数可能增加到400万,那些仍在注册领取救济金的人也将失去救济金。)
You can begin typing in (or paste text into) the Command Input window, making sure that each command or SQL statement ends with a statement termination character.(然后可以开始将文本输入(或将文本粘贴到)CommandInput窗口中,确保每个命令或SQL语句以语句分隔符号结束。)
You should also have a medical check-up after the termination of a pregnancy.(你在终止妊娠后也应该做个体检。)
Article 13 labor contracts with a fixed period are the labor contract in which the termination time of the contract has been stipulated by the employer and the worker.(第十三条固定期限劳动合同,是指用人单位与劳动者约定合同终止时间的劳动合同。)
Emphasize what you learned from the experience that will prevent you from repeating it and ensure that you will perform well in the future. Read more about handling termination.(强调你从中学到了什么可以防止你重蹈覆辙,并保证说将来你一定会做得好。)
All parts of this Agreement relating to liability and its limitations, warranties, indemnities and confidentiality shall survive expiration and termination of this Agreement.(所有本协议中有关责任、限制,担保、赔偿和保密的部分应在本协议过期和终止后继续有效。)
Failure to comply with these conditions will result in termination of the contract.(不遵守这些条件将导致合同终止。)
Select Allow termination of remote VM option when you want the debugger to determine whether the Terminate command is available in a remote session.(如果想让调试器决定在远程会话中Terminate命令是否可用,可以选择AllowterminationofremoteVM选项。)
For the termination of employees who have singed short term contract, management staff can make the termination decision according to local laws and regulations.(对已经签订短期合同的员工的雇佣终止,管理人员可以根据当地的法律法规做出终止决定。)
termination是什么意思 termination在线翻译 termination什么意思 termination的意思 termination的翻译 termination的解释 termination的发音 termination的同义词