Too many young people are unable to write or spell well, as employers will testify.(写作或拼写不好的年轻人太多了,这一点雇主都会证明。)
She refused to testify, unless the murder charge against her was dropped.(她拒绝作证,除非取消她的谋杀指控。)
She was held in contempt for refusing to testify.(她因拒绝作证而被判藐视法庭罪。)
As recent graduates can testify, the job market isn't kind to candidates who can't demonstrate genuine competence, along with a well-cultivated willingness to work hard.(最近的毕业生可以证明,对于不能表现出真正能力以及良好的努力工作意愿的求职者,求职市场并不友好。)
She even traveled to Washington to testify before Congress.(她甚至远赴华盛顿,在国会作证。)
He made a deal to testify against the others and wasn't charged.(他达成了协议出庭指证别人,因而未获指控。)
They get up and testify.(她们起而作证。)
Inspector General Barofsky is to testify before Congress on Thursday.(总调查员巴罗夫·斯基将于星期四在国会作证。)
Murray did not testify at the trial.(默里没有在审判中证实。)
He was summoned to testify before a grand jury.(他被传唤出庭在大陪审团前作证。)
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