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英 [θætʃ]

美 [θætʃ]



形容词: thatchy 名词: thatcher 过去式: thatched 过去分词: thatched 现在分词: thatching 第三人称单数: thatches

  • 详情解释

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  • 茅草屋顶
  • 浓密的头发
  • 茅草
  • 草屋顶
  • 盖屋顶的材料
  • 盖顶物
  • 头发
  • 杂草
  • 芦苇
  • 稻草
  • 乱蓬蓬的头发
  • 又脏又乱的头发
  • 用草盖的屋顶
  • 盖(屋顶)
  • 像用茅草盖屋顶般覆盖
  • 以草为顶
  • 用茅草等盖(屋顶)
  • 用茅草覆盖(屋顶)
  • [U](稻草、芦苇等盖的)茅草屋顶 roof covering of straw,reeds,etc.
  • [S]浓密的头发 thick hair on sb's head
  • vt. 用茅草盖(房子等)的屋顶,用茅草覆盖(屋顶) cover a roof of a building with thatch


1. a house roof made with a plant material (as straw)

Synonym: thatched roof

2. hair resembling thatched roofing material

3. plant stalks used as roofing material


1. cover with thatch

e.g. thatch the roofs

1. 茅草屋顶;稻草屋顶;芦苇屋顶
A thatch or a thatch roof is a roof made from straw or reeds.

e.g. They would live in a small house with a green door and a new thatch.

2. (用来盖屋顶的)茅草,稻草,芦苇
Thatch is straw or reeds used to make a roof.


e.g. Thatch is naturally warm in winter and cool in summer.

3. (尤指浓密蓬乱的)头发
You can refer to someone's hair as their thatch of hair, especially when it is very thick and untidy.

e.g. Teddy ran thick fingers through his unruly thatch of hair.

1. 茅屋顶:that 那个 | thatch 茅屋顶 | thaw 解冻

2. 盖屋材料:thataway 朝那个方向 | thatch 盖屋材料 | thatcher 茅屋匠

3. 屋顶草 ,茅草:T-handle 丁字把手 | thatch 屋顶草 ,茅草 | thatch roofing 茅草屋面

4. 茅草屋顶:parquet 镶木地板 | thatch 茅草屋顶 | gargoyle 滴水嘴兽

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • He roofed the house with thatch.
  • This boy has a thatch of brown hair.
  • They're thatching a cottage in the village this week.
  • His thatch of dark blond hair was..unkempt.

    出自:K. Roberts
  • Many..churches are thatched with heath.

    出自:T. Pennant
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He roofed the house with thatch.(他用茅草做屋顶。)
Srey Neth grew more animated as we finally rumbled down a dirt road and reached her home, a thatch-roofed hut on stilts.(我们最后轰隆隆驶上了一条土路到了她家那座建在桩子上的茅草屋顶小屋,一路上她越来越雀跃。)
Thatch can be described as the layer of organic residue located immediately between the sward and the soil surface.(土壤腐殖质层可被定义为在草皮与土壤表面之间的一层有机残留物。)
They are sheltering under the thatch.(他们在茅草屋顶下避雨。)
The words she croaks in her thatch-roofed, mud-brick farmhouse are precious.(在这间由茅草筑顶、土砖建成的农舍里,她沙哑的声音所说的每个字都弥足珍贵。)
Other than taking a look at the underlying surface and making a visual judgement, how can we tell whether we have excessive thatch?(除了查看草坪表层下方得出判断,怎么知道我们是否有过多过厚的草坪腐殖质层(枯草层)?)
Her husband, a fisherman, is out at sea. His motorcycle is parked proprietarily under the thatch.(她的丈夫是个渔民,已经出海了。他的摩托车停在主人的屋檐下。)
Those throng thought they found those thyme which were thrown on to the top of the thatch by those thieves.(那群人以为他们发现那些被窃贼抛上茅草屋顶上面的麝香草。)
The thatch was badly damaged in the storm.(茅草屋顶在暴风雨中遭到严重破坏。)
His lips trembled a little, so that the rough thatch of brown hair which covered them was visibly agitated.(他的嘴唇有点发抖,因此,他嘴上那丛乱棕似的胡子也在明显地抖动。)
thatch是什么意思 thatch在线翻译 thatch什么意思 thatch的意思 thatch的翻译 thatch的解释 thatch的发音 thatch的同义词