英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-12-30 21:53:31



英 [ˈtɪmərəs]

美 [ˈtɪmərəs]


副词: timorously 名词: timorousness

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  • 胆怯的
  • 胆小的
  • 羞怯的
  • 畏怯的
  • 提心吊胆的
  • 易受惊的
  • 腼腆的
  • 胆怯地
  • 羞怯地
  • 羞怯
  • 胆怯


1. timid by nature or revealing timidity

e.g. timorous little mouse
in a timorous tone
cast fearful glances at the large dog

Synonym: fearfultrepid

1. 胆怯的;胆小的;易受惊吓的
If you describe someone as timorous, you mean that they are frightened and nervous of other people and situations.

e.g. He is a reclusive, timorous creature.

2. 不果断的;缩手缩脚的
If you describe someone's actions or decisions as timorous, you are criticizing them for being too cautious or weak, because the person is not very confident and is worried about the possible consequences of their actions.

e.g. Some delegates believe the final declaration is likely to be too timorous.

1. 胆小,腼腆的:112. crooked 弯曲的 | 113. timorous 胆小,腼腆的 | 114. harsh 苛刻的

2. 胆怯的:timocracy 金权政治 | timorous 胆怯的 | timothy 牧草

3. 腼腆的;胆小的:thrifty 节俭的,节约的 | timorous 腼腆的,胆小的 | tireless 孜孜不倦的

4. 胆小的,胆怯的:timely 及时的;适时的 | timorous 胆小的,胆怯的 | tinder 火绒,火种

  • 经典引文

  • He..was rather timorous of venturing.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Too timorous to protest the disrespect with which she WAS being treated, the young woman could only accept it with resignation.(这个年轻的女人太懦弱了以致无力抗争她所遭受的不敬,她只能接受这一事实。)
Some delegates believe the final declaration is likely to be too timorous.(一些代表认为这份最后的声明可能有些过于畏首畏尾的感觉。)
In 1769 the first of the timorous poets, Thomas Gray, was on the scene shuddering pleasurably at the mountains’ “dreadful bulk”.(1769年,胆小的诗人汤姆斯•格雷,第一次站在湖区的深山里,满心愉悦,震憾于这“可怕庞大的高山”。)
I am timorous girl, and dont know how to deal with the baby kissers like you.(我是一个胆小(timorous)的女孩,不知道怎样和你这样假惺惺的人(babykisser)打交道。)
Root of wash'd sweet-flag! Timorous pond-snipe! Nest of guarded.(你将是雨水冲洗过的甜菖蒲草根!胆怯的池鹬!看守着双。)
Whenever or wherever I see you next time I won't be timorous or evasive.(每当或下次无论我在何处看见你我将不会是胆怯的或逃避的。)
I looked with timorous joy towards a stately house: I saw a blackened ruin.(我带着怯生生的喜悦朝堂皇的府第看去,我看到了一片焦黑的废墟。)
Finally, Jack's owner, Donna Dickey, called the cat inside, and the timorous trespasser disappeared back into the woods.(最后,杰克的主人唐娜迪克唤回了杰克猫,那只胆怯的入侵者才回头消失在了树林里。)
He was the most timorous person in that event.(在那次事件中他是个胆小鬼。)
Yet the image of timorous investors resisting risk is not quite right.(但风险厌恶投资者胆怯的形象似乎是不太恰当的。)
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