英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 ['tɪklə]

美 [ˈtɪklɚ]


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1. a file of memoranda or notices that remind of things to be done

Synonym: tickler file

1. 备忘录:很少回顾(Review)最近的行动3.从备忘录(Tickler)到行动列表,又从行动列表到备忘录我发现很多次我都把一些我不想做的或者不知道做的行动不断地延后. 所以我想到一条解决办法那就是不要让你的行动拖延超过一次.

2. 反馈线圈:thyristor diode 闸流二极管 | tickler 反馈线圈 | tide power station 潮汐发电站

3. 记事本:tickle 搔 | tickler 记事本 | ticklish 易痒的

4. 屏极回授线圈:tickler 反馈线圈 | tickler 屏极回授线圈 | tickling 反馈

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Tickler files, also known as the "43 folders" method, are a unique system that's used by many people for organizing files.(记事本文件,也就是所谓的“43文件夹”方案,是很多人用的一种独特的文件整理方式。)
Food given by another person is only a throat tickler, but food gained by the Labour of ones own hand is the food which satisfies. (Australian proverb).(人家给的食物只能使嗓子眼舒服,而亲手劳动得来的食物则使人心满意足。(澳大利亚谚语)。)
And these things, for personnel of advanced to other technology, not be a tickler however.(而这些事,对一个高级别的技术人员来说,却不是件难事。)
He is meeting the tickler successfully.(他在顺利地处理着这难题。)
Whether you use a calendar, a tickler file, or an assistant (in person or computerized) to rattle your cage at a designated time is simply up to what works best and is easiest for you.(不管你采用什么方式,日程表,能提醒的笔记本,或者是助手,只要它能在设定的时间把这些事情推送给你,并且你能够信任这个过程,目的就达到了。)
The good mail is filed or a tickler system immediately.(好邮件会被立即归档或者放入备忘录系统。)
Should undertake to a website SEO is not what tickler.(要对一个网站进行SEO并不是什么难事了。)
Whether it is old-fashioned 4X6 index cards or an electronic tickler program, you must develop an effective system to track dates and deadlines.(不管你是利用已经过时的4X6索引卡,还是电子记事本程序,你都可以创建一个有效程序来追踪日程和期限。)
You can also use a tickler file to supplement this.(你也可以使用一个备忘录文件作为增补。)
The dressing of oxidized ore of zinc and lead in Lanping has been a tickler for a long time.(兰坪氧化铅锌矿的选矿长久以来是选矿界的难题。)
tickler是什么意思 tickler在线翻译 tickler什么意思 tickler的意思 tickler的翻译 tickler的解释 tickler的发音 tickler的同义词