英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 23:18:56



英 [ˈtɪŋkə(r)]

美 [ˈtɪŋkɚ]




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过去式: tinkered 过去分词: tinkered 现在分词: tinkering 第三人称单数: tinkers

  • 英英释义

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1. small mackerel found nearly worldwide

Synonym: chub mackerelScomber japonicus

2. formerly a person (traditionally a Gypsy) who traveled from place to place mending pots and kettles and other metal utensils as a way to earn a living

3. a person who enjoys fixing and experimenting with machines and their parts

Synonym: tinkerer


1. try to fix or mend

e.g. Can you tinker with the T.V. set--it's not working right
She always fiddles with her van on the weekend

Synonym: fiddle

2. do random, unplanned work or activities or spend time idly

e.g. The old lady is usually mucking about in her little house

Synonym: puttermess aroundpottermonkeymonkey aroundmuck aboutmuck around

3. work as a tinker or tinkerer

1. 小修;小补;摆弄
If you tinker with something, you make some small changes to it, in an attempt to improve it or repair it.

e.g. Instead of the Government admitting its error, it just tinkered with the problem...
e.g. They tinkered with the engine…

No amount of tinkering is going to improve matters.

2. (旧时的)补锅匠,修理匠
In former times, a tinker was a person who did not have a fixed home, but travelled from place to place mending metal pots and doing other small repair jobs.

3. (尤指爱尔兰裔的)流浪者,吉卜赛人
Some people refer to any traveller or gipsy, especially one who is Irish, as a tinker .

1. tinker的近义词

1. 修补匠:换英雄.* 修补匠(Tinker)的热导导弹(Heat Seeking Missile)现在将攻击最热的单位(如秀逗魔导士).* 剑圣(Yurnero)使用剑刃风暴(Blade Storm)时可能会垂直飞上天.* 炼金术士(Razzil Darkbrew)使用化学狂暴时有一定几率被甩下来.* 修正了敌法师(Magina)和灵魂守卫(Terrorblade)作为瞎子还拥有视野的Bug.* 修正暗夜魔王(Balanar

2. 修补:不过神牛这种长着力量脸的靠智力吃饭的英雄就算了,对了,还有个猛肉,钢猪有了控场还要有输出,输出分为魔法输出和物理输出魔法输出主要有火女(LINA),受折磨的灵魂(TS),众神之王(ZEUS),双头龙(THD),修补(Tinker),仙女龙等等物理输出主要有魂守(TB),

3. 地精修补匠:又猥琐的英雄? 法系:恶魔巫师lion出红杖,一晕一羊,能控能跑出了红杖的恶魔前期爆发能1000多; 遗忘法师(骨法),虚无,减速物免,多加44%的魔法伤害,出了红杖很恶心,逃跑杀人都好使. 地精修补匠(tinker)激光,导弹,一般前

4. 工匠:该能力是一个每回合只能使用一次的自由动作(free action),人物可以花费一个英雄点数(hero point)以在一天内多战吼一次,如此战吼的距离和持续时间将加倍工匠(Tinker)可以选择任何科技专长作为他的额外专长,

  • 经典引文

  • Does he loiter..with his motor-bike..tinker with it?

    出自:G. Swift
  • Discarding weak poems, tinkering with the title.

    出自:Anne Stevenson
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Having worked out the basics of bioluminescence, researchers started to tinker with them.(当研究完这种生物荧光的机制后,研究人员又开始了一些后续的研究工作。)
The source code for the mail example and the previous example are available for you to tinker with.(您可以获得邮件示例和先前示例的源代码进行修改。)
As I always advise, now it is time to tinker.(正如我一直建议的,现在应该进行一些修补工作。)
This is to tinker with cloud cover.(这就要是云层变薄。)
More distinct came the shrill voice of Tinker Bell.(更清晰的是小叮当尖锐的声音。)
Are you ready, Tinker Bell?(你准备好了吗,婷咔·贝尔?)
Zuzu is a tinker-talent fairy who is very loyal to her job.(祖祖是一个擅长修补且敬业的漂亮女孩。)
But he was much more than just a clever tinker with things and words.(但是,他远不仅只是一个善于摆弄东西和词藻的能工巧匠。)
But it is certain to tinker.(不过,这肯定是白忙一场。)
o Find ways to help customers and others on the edge to tinker with your products.(寻找各种途径帮助处于边缘位置的消费者们去修理你的产品。)
tinker是什么意思 tinker在线翻译 tinker什么意思 tinker的意思 tinker的翻译 tinker的解释 tinker的发音 tinker的同义词