英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-12-30 21:56:57


英 [tɒŋz]

美 [tɑ:ŋz]



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  • 钳子
  • 夹具
  • 火钳
  • 夹剪
  • 烧瓶钳
  • 烫发钳
  • 卷发钳
  • 捕鱼夹
  • 夹取装置
  • 名词tong的复数形式


1. any of various devices for taking hold of objects
usually have two hinged legs with handles above and pointed hooks below

Synonym: pair of tongs

1. 钳子;夹具
Tongs are a tool that you use to grip and pick up objects that you do not want to touch. They consist of two long narrow pieces of metal joined together at one end.

e.g. The waiter lifted rolls from a basket with a pair of silver tongs.


1. 火钳:用锻铁炉将铁矿转变成铁块是属於冶链部分;而想将铁块打造成武器,首先必须使用铁匠工具(火钳(tongs)或是打铁锤(blacksmith's hammer)) 在铁块上,然後会出现一份清单告诉你目前能制造何种装备.


2. 钳子:看到气压表显示压力明显下降. 然后再转动中间的阀门,终于把容器中的液体放出来. 把管子上的那把钳子(TONGS)收到自己的物品栏,算做是报酬吧. 这时就可以离开了,临走时别忘了把自己的戒指取回来.

3. 钳:原文鬈发钳(tongs)与外国话(tongues)音相近. 关于特洛伊罗斯(Troilus)与克瑞西达(Cressida)恋爱的故事可参看莎士比亚所著悲剧<>. 潘达洛斯(Pandarus)系克瑞西达之舅,为他们居间撮合者. 克瑞西达因生性轻浮,

4. tongs的翻译

4. 夹子:在广场的怪物可以不用去打了,先要找到一间面包店,找到了面包店在里面调查一下,发现一个夹面包的夹子(tongs)可以用得上. 拿着夹子跑回有钥匙的房间使用夹子,终于拿到钥匙(key)了,但还是要记录一下. 这把钥匙是用来把广场那边的图书店门打开的.

  • 经典引文

  • She dropped several lumps of sugar into her tea with a pair of silver tongs.

    出自:R. P. Jhabvala
  • Jacob put the log back with a pair of tongs.

    出自:K. Amis
He loved gardening. He went at it hammer and tongs as soon as he got back from work.(他喜爱园艺,下班一回到家,就劲头十足地干起来。)
It's still worth reading as an example of two first-class minds going at it hammer and tongs.(作为一个两个第一流的思想激烈交锋的例子,它仍然值得一读。)
Connect the makeup line (s) and snub line to the rig tongs.(连接猫头绳和钳尾绳到大钳上。)
He immediately answered in Hook's voice: "Odds, bobs, hammer and tongs, I hear you."(他立刻用胡克的声音回答道:“见鬼,我听见你说话了。”)
He had his leather apron on, and in one hand he had a golden chain and in the other his tongs.(金匠冲到街上,腰间还系着工作围裙,一只手拿着铁钳,一只手拿着金链条。)
Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar.(有一撒拉弗飞到我跟前,手里拿着红炭,是用火剪从坛上取下来的。)
A stove, an empty aluminum soda can, kitchen tongs, and a saucepan. Are you experimenting with a new recipe?(火炉,铝制的的易拉罐,餐钳和平底锅。你是在做一个新的食谱吗?)
Check power tongs and spinning rope are on drill floor.(检查动力钳和尾绳是否在钻台上。)
Sometimes the tongs are snubbed to the derrick leg. This method should not be used.(有时候会把钳尾绳装在井架大腿上,这种方法不可取。)
Instead of knives and forks, they were given large scissors, chopsticks and metal tongs.(服务员给她们端上来的餐具也不是刀和叉,而是剪子、筷子和钳子。)
tongs是什么意思 tongs在线翻译 tongs什么意思 tongs的意思 tongs的翻译 tongs的解释 tongs的发音 tongs的同义词