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更新时间:2024-04-30 22:05:01


英 [ˈtɜ:pɪtju:d]

美 [ˈtɜ:rpətu:d]

n. 奸恶; 卑鄙; 背德

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1. a corrupt or depraved or degenerate act or practice

e.g. the various turpitudes of modern society

Synonym: depravity

1. 卑鄙(行为);不道德(行为);堕落(行为)
Turpitude is very immoral behaviour.

1. 奸恶, 卑鄙:Aeneas 特洛伊战争中的勇士 | turpitude 奸恶, 卑鄙 | staphylococcal [医]葡萄球菌的,由葡萄球菌引起的

2. 奸恶:turpeth 印度喇叭花 | turpitude 奸恶 | turps 松节油

3. 邪恶,卑鄙(行为):inflated 充气的,骄傲的 | turpitude 邪恶,卑鄙(行为) | untoward 不幸的,(坏事)没料到的

4. 奸恶; 堕落; 卑鄙 (名):turpentine 松脂, 松节油, 松脂精 (名) | turpitude 奸恶; 堕落; 卑鄙 (名) | turquoise 绿宝石, 青绿色, 绿松石色 (名)

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They lead to the lowest form of technology reuse - copy-and-paste - and other crimes of technological moral turpitude. (There's a huge disparity between because you can and because you should.)(scriptlet会导致最低形式的技术重用—复制与粘贴—以及其他一些在技术方面为人所不齿的恶行(因为你能和因为你应该之间有巨大区别)。)
Inflation hawks are puritans obsessing over monetary turpitude and the debasement of the currency.(通胀鹰派人士是抱持著货币罪恶论、贬低货币的清教徒。)
Let every declamation turn upon the beauty of liberty and virtue, and the deformity, turpitude, and malignity of slavery and vice.(让每一篇演讲都来谈自由和道德之美,都来谈奴役和邪恶之丑陋、卑鄙和恶毒。)
It can be said of moral turpitude.(可以说是道德沦丧。)
You can still be dismissed for committing high crime or moral turpitude.(犯有重罪或道德堕落者仍会被解聘。)
It make our growth accompany with justice and turpitude.(这使得我们的成长伴随着正义和邪恶。)
turpitude是什么意思 turpitude在线翻译 turpitude什么意思 turpitude的意思 turpitude的翻译 turpitude的解释 turpitude的发音 turpitude的同义词