英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ˌʌltrə'red]

美 [ˌʌltrə'red]


  • 网络解释

1. 红外(线)的:clydonograph 过电压摄测仪 | ultrared 红外(线)的 | tenontolemmitis 腱鞘炎

2. 红外区:ultraprophylaxis 超预防 | ultrared 红外区 | ultrared ray 红外线

3. 红外的:ultramicroscope 超显微镜 | ultrared 红外的 | ultraresonancescreen 超共振筛

4. 远红外加热器:far infrared target indicator 远红外目的指导器 | ultrared 远红外加热器 | paint 远红外涂料

Infrared Dryer, the auxiliary equipment to Auto glass printing machine, mainly applies in drying glasses after their printing by ultrared rays.(红外线烘干机为全自动玻璃印刷生产线配套设备、主要用于玻璃印刷后的红外线烘干。)
Objective: To study the clinical efficacy of ultrared radiation in patients with herpes zoster.(目的:探讨红外线照射辅助治疗疱疹的疗效。)
Films in before processing, you should use iodin tungstenic ultrared warming up.(冷膜在处理前,应先用碘钨红外线预热。)
With ultrared remote control and wireless emission, this product is of high technique.(本产品采用红外遥控,无线发射,系高新技术产品。)
The high performance video camera has a great application prospect in the fields such as medical imaging, ultrared weak light imaging and satellite imaging.(高性能摄像机在医疗成像、红外弱光成像及卫星成像领域具有广泛的应用前景。)
ultrared是什么意思 ultrared在线翻译 ultrared什么意思 ultrared的意思 ultrared的翻译 ultrared的解释 ultrared的发音 ultrared的同义词