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英 [ʌmˈbɪlɪkəs]

美 [ʌm'bɪlɪkəs]


名词复数: umbilici

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1. a scar where the umbilical cord was attached

e.g. you were not supposed to show your navel on television
they argued whether or not Adam had a navel
she had a tattoo just above her bellybutton

Synonym: navelbellybuttonbelly buttonomphalosomphalus

1. umbilicus是什么意思

1. 脐:螺轴为整个贝壳旋转的中轴,位贝壳内部中央,轴的基部遗留的小窝为脐(umbilicus),深浅不一. 有的种类由于内唇外转而形成假脐(如红螺Rapana). 口腔内常具齿舌和颚片;消化腺有唾液腺,是一种粘液腺,无消化作用;肝脏发达,为重要消化腺,

2. umbilicus

2. 脐带:Opal Archangel 蛋白石大天使像*1 10 | Umbilicus 臍帶*1 20 | Whetstone 磨刀石*1 10

3. 周壁孔:06.180 子囊孢子 ascospore | 06.181 周壁孔 umbilicus | 06.182 子囊孢子内胞 endoascospore

4. 脐,肚脐:Umbilical cord end 脐带痂 | umbilicus 脐,肚脐 | underpants 内衣裤

Objective: To understand the bacteriological condition of newborns umbilicus region infected and offer reference for clinical prevention and treatment.(目的:了解新生儿脐部感染细菌学状况,为临床提供预防及治疗参考。)
Objective To investigate the advantages of the peritoneoscopic appendectomy through the umbilicus with Zhou s umbilicus lancet and trocar balloon.(目的探索“周氏脐刀”和“脐孔操作镜鞘气囊”做脐孔腔镜阑尾切除术以及其它腹部手术的微创优点。)
This article describes the function and application of umbilicus-applying therapy in Rhymed Discourse for Topical Remedies.(探讨《理瀹骈文》关于敷脐疗法作用及其机制。)
Figure 1 . oblique scan above the umbilicus showing the zone of transition ( arrow ) between the dilated and nondilated bowel.(图1脐上斜向扫描显示在扩张和非扩张肠管间存在过渡区(箭头)。)
Two days later, the child's mother said, My child's umbilicus retracts and doesn't protrude.(小孩妈妈两日后说:“肚脐好了,不出来了,小孩子也不那么哭闹了”。)
Methods Review embryogeny and dissection of the umbilicus, analyze the relationship of holographic theory with umbilicus therapy.(方法:重新复习脐的胚胎发生、脐的解剖,分析脐全息的理论基础与脐针疗法的关系。)
Cardiac pain is transmitted to the cerebral cortex along autonomic nerve fibers and has a variable referral area that can extend from the ear to the umbilicus.(心脏性疼痛沿着自主神经纤维传到大脑皮层,其范围可自耳部延伸至脐部。)
Minor patients the projection of the umbilicus are not on any vessel.(小部分患者脐孔投影不对应任何血管。)
Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of moxibustion on umbilicus and acupuncture for senile habitual constipation.(目的观察炼脐法合针刺治疗老年习惯性便秘的临床疗效。)
Conclusion: the Shehuang-paste paved on the umbilicus had remarkable effect on the refractory cirrhosis ascites, which was better than that of the simply basal treatment.(结论:麝黄膏脐敷对肝硬化难治性腹水有明显的治疗作用,比单纯基础治疗疗效高。)
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