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英 [ˌʌnɪkˈsepʃənəbl]

美 [ˌʌnɪkˈsɛpʃənəbəl]


副词: unexceptionably 名词: unexceptionableness

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1. completely acceptable
not open to exception or reproach

e.g. two unexceptionable witnesses
a judge's ethics should be unexceptionable

Synonym: unimpeachable

1. 无懈可击的;无可指摘的
If you describe someone or something as unexceptionable, you mean that they are unlikely to be criticized or objected to, but are not new or exciting, and may have some hidden bad qualities.

e.g. The candidate was quite unexceptionable, a well-known travel writer and TV personality...
e.g. The school's unexceptionable purpose is to involve parents more closely in the education of their children.

1. unexceptionable是什么意思

1. 无懈可击的:underlying structure底层结构 | unexceptionable无懈可击的 | unexceptional普通的a

2. 无可职责的,无可驳斥的:readily 愿意地,简单地 | unexceptionable无可职责的,无可驳斥的 | exceptional特别的,优秀的

3. 无懈可击的/极好的/完全的:unexampled /无前例的/无可比拟的/ | unexceptionable /无懈可击的/极好的/完全的/ | unexecuted /没有实行/

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  • 临近词

The candidate was quite unexceptionable, a well-known travel writer and TV personality.(这个候选人无懈可击—著名的旅行作家和电视名人。)
Nationally, the ratio for children up to six years of age rose from a biologically unexceptionable 104 in 1981 to a biologically impossible 108 in 2001.(全国范围内,6岁以上儿童男女比例从1981年的104(从生物学角度而言属正常数值)直升到2001年的108(从生物学角度讲则不可能)。)
A judge's ethics should be unexceptionable.(法官的职业道德必须是无懈可击的。)
Her unexceptionable behaviour, conduct, etc.(她那无可指摘的行为、品行等。)
Mr. Weston was a man of unexceptionable character, easy fortune, suitable age, and pleasant manners.(魏斯吞先生有无可非议的品德、富裕的家产、合适的年龄和愉快的态度。)
The school's unexceptionable purpose is to involve parents more closely in the education of their children.(学校无可指摘的目的是让家长更多的参与到孩子的教育中来。)
Such examples are unexceptionable, but care should be taken that this usage does not cause ambiguities.(这样的例子是无懈可击的,但应该小心谨慎以使这种用法不致于引起模棱两可。)
Asking that home-schooled children be registered is unexceptionable(and parents would not be made to follow any particular curriculum).(要求在家学习的儿童注册是个好建议,这样孩子的父母就不会被强制要求参加什么特殊的课程学习了。)
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