英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:06:18



英 [ˈjʊərɪneɪt]

美 [ˈjʊrəneɪt]


形容词: urinative 名词: urination 过去式: urinated 过去分词: urinated 现在分词: urinating 第三人称单数: urinates

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1. eliminate urine

e.g. Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug

Synonym: makepiddlepuddlemicturatepisspeepee-peemake waterrelieve oneselftake a leakspend a pennyweewee-weepass water

2. pass after the manner of urine

e.g. The sick men urinated blood

1. 排尿;小便;撒尿
When someone urinates, they get rid of urine from their body.


1. 排尿:尿频(urinaryfrequency),并且在只有少量尿液时仍觉得需要排尿(urinate)背痛(backpain)、腰痛(flankpain)或腹股沟疼痛(groinpain)婴儿、小孩(小於六岁)和小於50岁男性极少出现泌尿道感染,如有则通常和泌尿道结构畸型(膀胱逆流、尿路阻塞)有关.

2. 小便:上厕所当然是大便 (defecate) 和小便 (urinate) -- 粪便叫做 feces 或 excrement,日常生活经常以 poo-poo 这个儿语的委婉语来表达;尿液叫做 urine,尿尿的非正式讲法是 pee (动词;名词):I must go for/have a pee 我得去小便了.

3. 撒尿:take a whiz:撒尿 | urinate:撒尿 | wimp out:胆怯

4. 溲:urinaserum 尿免疫血清 | urinate 溲 | urinateurinepiss 尿

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Boys usually first learn to urinate by sitting on the toilet.(男孩刚开始也常常是学着坐着小便。)
You have to hold onto them. They bump into things. They laugh and cry. They urinate. They vomit.(他们走路要你扶,走着走着就会撞上,还又哭又笑,随地小便,会呕吐。)
I urinate more often than usual.(我的小便的次数比平常多。)
With four urinals on each of two stands, eight men can urinate in public at the same time.(每两站间便有四个小便池,八个人可在公众场合同时小便。)
I urinate more frequently than usual.(我小便比平时多。)
Inmates were each given a spoon and a tin bowl - not just to eat and drink from, but also to urinate in at night.(囚犯们每人发一个勺子和一个锡碗——不仅用来吃饭喝水,还要在夜里当尿盆用。)
When I urinate. it hurts.(当我小便的时候会痛。)
I have to urinate.(我要去排尿。)
The Buddhist kneels and hopes that the dog will not urinate at this hallowed moment. He dares not lift his head.(佛教徒跪下来,心里暗自希望小狗不要在这个神圣的时刻撒尿。)
Doctor: Have you had any burning when you urinate?(医生:你小便时有过烧灼感吗?)
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