英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-10 13:24:38



英 [ˌɑ:tɪˈzæn]

美 [ˈɑ:rtəzn]


名词: artisanship

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  • 工匠
  • 技工
  • 手工业工人
  • 熟练工人
  • 手艺人


1. a skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft

Synonym: craftsmanjourneymanartificer

1. 手工艺人;工匠
An artisan is someone whose job requires skill with their hands.


1. 工匠:呵呵),但我却觉得它是我所看过最具哥特风格的一部电影,感觉很像爱伦.坡的笔下世界,约翰尼 德普 (Johnny Depp) 所扮演的那个坚信科学的侦探也有几分杜宾的味道,呵呵. 不知道其他的推友是怎么看的呢?出 品:工匠(Artisan)影业

2. 匠人:在这一百多年的厨师演化当中,这股上进的力量总是试图把厨师从匠人(artisan)推向艺术家(artist),让大家觉得厨艺真是门艺术. 难怪如今的三星大厨总是一派艺术家风范,谈吐不凡,外形清雅,偶尔还要在餐牌上秀一手书法,甚至在食谱里展露画功.

3. 匠:'艺术家'(artist)原来是指技术熟练的人,如'艺匠'(artisan但是'艺术家'现在单指那些精选的、具有想象力或创造性的技术. 而且更为重要的是,大写字母开头的'艺术'终于成为代表一种特殊的'真实'――'想象的真实'(imaginative truth),

4. 工匠,手工业工人:征募 conscript | 工匠,手工业工人 artisan | 忽必烈 Kublai Khan

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

You call yourself an artisan, as opposed to an artist. Why?(您谦称自己为一名工匠,将自己与艺术家做了一个区分,为什麽?)
Recalling the talented woodworker, the finest tools are useless without the creative application of a trained and talented artisan.(回到前面的木工身上,如果没有天赋和相关的培训,最好的工具也没有用处。)
The artisan can cut stones into various shapes.(这工匠能把石头雕成各种形状。)
British artisan baker Mark Newman told the BBC that his loaves take up to 18 hours from start to finish.(英国手工面包师马克·纽曼告诉英国广播公司,他烘焙一块面包需要长达18小时。)
The price of mayonnaise and other artisan animal products now increased by the rancher profession.(沙拉酱和其他工匠的动物产品,现在增加了牧场主行业价格。)
Unlike artisan workshops in which apprentices worked closely with the masters supervising them, factories sharply separated workers from management.(工厂与工匠作坊不同,作坊学徒们与监督他们的师傅密切合作,而工厂将工人与管理人员严格区分开来。)
This encouraged an outburst of great work by artisan painters, sculptors, architects and decorators.(但这也催生出一大批伟大作品,有熟练画师的、雕刻师的、建筑师的及室内装饰业者的。)
Dough is kneaded and then molded into little cute animals by this folk artisan.(民间艺人搓捏为一个个可爱的小动物。)
The tools available today allow someone with limited skills to become an artisan.(今天可用的工具,让有限的能力的人成为一个工匠。)
Moreover, the quality and consistency of products varied from one artisan to the next.(而且,质量和产品的一致性从一位工匠变化到下一个了。)
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