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更新时间:2024-05-27 15:17:23



英 [ˈklemənt]

美 [ˈklɛmənt]


副词: clemently

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1. (used of persons or behavior) inclined to show mercy

e.g. a more clement judge reduced the sentence

2. (of weather or climate) physically mild

e.g. clement weather

1. (天气)宜人的,温和的,干爽的
Clement weather is pleasantly mild and dry.

1. (革利免):继使徒之后,负起教会领导责任的领袖,被称为使徒后时期的教父,因为他们曾接受使徒直接的教导,都活在第二世纪的前半期,其中有五位知名者:罗马的革 利免(Clement)与黑马(Herma),安提阿的依格那丢,士每拿的坡旅甲,和亚历山大的巴拿巴(Barnabas

2. 克莱芒:其发动机不用传动皮带而由连杆直接驱动后轮,就像蒸汽机车一样,活塞连杆直接使车轮转动. 1902年,法国人克莱芒(Clement)设计出一辆V型四缸竞赛摩托车. 1904年,比利时列日莱赫斯塔尔国营兵工厂在法国巴黎展览会.

3. 克雷孟特 拉丁 和善和,仁慈的人:Claude 克劳德 拉丁 跛脚者. | Clement 克雷孟特 拉丁 和善和,仁慈的人. | Cleveland 克利夫兰 英国 来自岩区的人.

This gave them the name "Copperheads." One important Copperhead was a former Congressman from Ohio, Clement Vallandigham.(其中有一位重要的人物,他是俄亥俄州前国会议员,他叫克莱门特。法兰迪·加姆。)
In application, it offers us a fresh mathematical means to establish new models for finite clement analysis.(在应用方面,它提供了一个新的数学手段以建立有限元分析中的新模式。)
As for the pollen, Sugden says it has never been accurately dated and may come from a much earlier clement period.(至于花粉,萨格登说从未有人精确地测定过它的年代,也许它是源于更早的温和时期。)
And Clement also clearly has a very good philosophical education.(很明显克雷芒也受过很好的哲学教育。)
The land is fertile, the climate clement, water abundant.(这里土地肥沃,气候宜人,水源充足。)
A PDA screen has roughly one-sixth the area of an 800x600 display (Clement & Vickers, 2002).(一台PDA的屏幕的面积大概是800x600显示器的六分之一(Clement&Vickers,2002)。)
CLEMENT weather and plentiful water mean that Punjab produces an eighth of India's total food grains.(温和的天气和充足的雨量赐予了旁遮普(印度西北部的一地方)占整个印度八分之一的粮食产量。)
In this thesis the crude protein, crude fat, sugar and mineral clement of Nostoc Commune was detected.(本文测定了普通念珠藻的粗蛋白、粗脂肪、糖及矿物质营养元素的含量。)
They then elected one of their own as Pope Clement VII.(然后,他们选出自己的教皇克莱门特七。)
Captain David Clement and 150 commandos stormed the port this morning.(戴维·克莱门特上尉和150名突击队员今天早上对港口突袭。)
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