英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:17:46



英 [ˌkli:ənˈtel]

美 [ˌklaɪənˈtel]


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  • 顾客
  • 诉讼委托人
  • 主顾
  • 常客
  • 被保护者
  • 追随者
  • 委托人
  • (总称)客户


1. customers collectively

e.g. they have an upper class clientele

Synonym: patronagebusiness

1. 顾客;客户;主顾
The clientele of a place or organization are its customers or clients.

e.g. This pub had a mixed clientele...
e.g. I have built up a loyal satisfied clientele for both African and European clothes.

1. clientele在线翻译

1. 顾客,老主顾:61 rash 疹子 | 62 clientele 顾客,老主顾 | 63 leave 请假 He is often absent without leave

2. clientele

2. 顾客:atmosphere 气氛 | clientele 顾客 | enjoy 享受

3. 诉讼委托人:clientage 委托关系 | clientele 诉讼委托人 | cliff dweller 居于洞穴中的人

4. <总称>顾客;委托人:25.rocket 飞速上升;n.火箭 | 26.clientele 顾客;委托人 | 27.dedicated 专注的,献身的

While the Carnegie Deli is famous for its triple-decker sandwiches and celebrity clientele, it also serves some of the best borscht in the country.(卡内基熟食店以它的三层三明治和名人主顾而闻名遐迩,那里也供应全美最美味的罗宋汤。)
nanoHUB has learned and now traverses essentially all the proxies necessary to serve its clientele.(nanoHUB已经了解,并且现在基本上可以通过服务其客户所需的所有代理。)
This pub had a mixed clientele.(这家酒吧有混杂的顾客群。)
Although smaller sellers, eBay's traditional clientele, are up in arms, the changes seem to have stemmed the decline somewhat.(尽管eBay传统的小型客户矢口否认,这些变化仿佛是衰落之源。)
The Botox specialist said that, of all his clientele, office workers were most likely to show premature signs of ageing.(这位肉毒杆菌整容专家表示,在他所有的客户中,办公室女性最易显现出提前衰老的迹象。)
He seemed busy with his new clientele and when I asked him about Yolardis he said he had not seen her, but in time he would find out.(他似乎因为新客户的出现而显得有些忙碌。当我问及尤拉迪丝时,他说没有看到她,但是,他表示会尽快弄清楚是怎么一回事。)
Divorce lawyers tell me the fastest-growing segment of their clientele is the middle-aged and elderly.(负责离婚事务的律师们告诉我,他们客户增长最快的部分是中年人和老年人。)
This is not surprising for a bureau whose very charter is to work with a clientele that focuses on the future.(对于一个主要职责就是和关注未来的客户打交道的部门而言,这并不奇怪。)
They roused children from their beds, loaded boxes of instant noodles into baskets and began hawking their staples to a captive clientele.(大家纷纷把已入睡的孩子叫醒,提着装满一包包方便面的篮子,开始向一群束手无策的顾客们兜售自己的主食。)
We cater to an exclusive clientele.(我们满足一个特殊客户群的需求。)
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