英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 23:48:30


英 [saʊs]

美 [saʊs]



过去式: soused 过去分词: soused 现在分词: sousing 第三人称单数: souses

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. the act of making something completely wet

e.g. he gave it a good drenching

Synonym: drenchingsoakingsousing

2. pork trimmings chopped and pickled and jelled

3. a person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually

Synonym: alcoholicalkydipsomaniacboozerlushsoaker



1. cover with liquid
pour liquid onto

e.g. souse water on his hot face

Synonym: drenchdousedowsesoaksop

2. cook in a marinade

e.g. souse herring

3. become drunk or drink excessively

Synonym: soakinebriatehit it up

4. immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate

e.g. dip the garment into the cleaning solution
dip the brush into the paint

Synonym: dunkdipplungedouse

1. 盐汁:sousaphone 大号 | souse 盐汁 | soutache 饰带

2. 浸湿:sous-palan clause 吊钩下交货条款 | souse 浸湿 | South Africa 南非

3. 腌制:Soft-boiled 溏心的(煮蛋的程度即半熟) | Souse 腌制 | Steam 蒸

  • 经典引文

  • The head was also a valued part of soused pig.

    出自:B. Fussell
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The girl went souse into the water.(这女孩扑通地跳到水里去了。)
The way in which various dictionaries treat entry homographs words same in spelling but different in souse fall into three categories:1.(综合各类词典的处理方式,可以归纳为三种模式:(1)所有这类词都列入一个词条;)
The boy went souse into the water.(这男孩扑通地跳到水里去了。)
The harm of harmonic generated by locomotive of electrified railway, which uses electricity along the railway, is more widely and seriously than other harmonic souse to the power system.(电铁机车沿铁路移动用电,其产生的谐波对电网的危害比其它谐波源更为广泛、严重,因此对电铁牵引供电系统谐波的正确检测具有重要的实际意义。)
The pressed salted duck will be passes through old halogen souse later to do ripe, will eat the feeling in the mouth is quite close salty fragrant.(板鸭是经过老卤腌制过以后做熟的,吃起来口感都是比较紧密咸香。)
When it is. warm enough, the children souse into the swimming pool.(当天气够暖和时,孩子们就投入到游泳池中。)
When net scale is expanding , because the limited of frequency souse , frequency reusing radio will increase .(在网络规模不断扩大的情况下,由于频率资源的限制,频率复用度必然增加。)
An immediate cold water souse may remove the black spot from your shirt.(立即放在凉水里浸泡可能会去掉衬衫上的黑点。)
souse是什么意思 souse在线翻译 souse什么意思 souse的意思 souse的翻译 souse的解释 souse的发音 souse的同义词