英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 09:57:49



英 [bəˈnɑ:l]

美 [bəˈnæl, ˈbenəl, bəˈnɑl]


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副词: banally 动词: banalize

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  • 平庸的
  • 陈腐的
  • 平淡乏味的
  • 无关紧要的
  • 庸俗
  • 平平庸庸
  • 味同嚼蜡
  • 琐事
  • 陈旧的
  • 乏味的
  • 平凡的
  • 老一套的
  • 平常
  • 乏味


1. repeated too often
overfamiliar through overuse

e.g. bromidic sermons
his remarks were trite and commonplace
hackneyed phrases
a stock answer
repeating threadbare jokes
parroting some timeworn axiom
the trite metaphor `hard as nails'

Synonym: commonplacehackneyedold-hatshopwornstock(a)threadbaretimeworntiredtritewell-worn

1. 平庸的;平淡无奇的
If you describe something as banal, you do not like it because you think that it is so ordinary that it is not at all effective or interesting.

e.g. The text is banal...
e.g. Bland, banal music tinkled discreetly from hidden loudspeakers.

...the banality of life...
Neil's ability to utter banalities never ceased to amaze me.

1. banal的反义词

1. 平庸的:ban 禁令 | banal 平庸的 | banality 陈词滥调

2. 平庸,庸俗:8.enjoy 欣赏,享用 | banal 平庸,庸俗 | the necessities of life: 生活的自然,相互交际

3. 平凡的:ban-the-bomber 除核主张者 | banal 平凡的 | banality 平凡

4. 平凡的, 陈腐的:banal 平凡的, 陈腐的 | billboard 布告板,广告牌 | chalkboard 黑板

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

These are only some banal remarks, but they have much philosophy.(虽然这些只是一些平常话,但里面却含有许多哲理。)
In any other country, this message might seem banal.(在任何其他国家看来,他这次拜访可能在平常不过了。)
For example, in the highly successful science-fiction film 2001, little dialogue was evident, and most of it was banal and of little intrinsic interest.(例如,在非常成功的科幻电影《2001》中,对话少之又少,而且大部分都是陈词滥调,没有什么内在的趣味。)
She has almost 100, 000 hours of video showing utterly banal scenes-people channel-surfing, fighting over the remote control and napping.(她已经看了将近100000小时乏味的录像——人们换台、抢台以及打瞌睡。)
Those familiar only with the banal 20th-century examples made for the tourist trade are in for a happy surprise.(那些对20世纪事件很熟悉的人来说,这些玩意仅仅是旅行者商贸上的快乐惊喜。)
I know it sounds banal, but it makes a huge difference.(我知道这听起来有点陈腐,但它使一个巨大的差别。)
The campus is very flat and the existing classroom building is an out of scale and banal volume.(小学校园的场地是非常平坦乏味的,教室楼更是一个尺度失常,毫无新意的体量。)
It's great news for me, but it's also something very banal.(对我而言这是个好消息,同时也觉得再普通不过。)
When the question comes from the woolliest corners of the Chinese Web, as it often does, it is framed as an accusation, and a banal one at that.(在中国互联网的犄角旮旯经常会看到这种老掉牙的质问,往往都是用来骂人。)
To casual browsers, most of the resulting content is, unsurprisingly, banal.(对于偶尔来的访客而言,多数内容都很枯燥,这并不令人感到意外。)
banal是什么意思 banal在线翻译 banal什么意思 banal的意思 banal的翻译 banal的解释 banal的发音 banal的同义词