英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [bɪˈnɒkjələz]

美 [bɪˈnɑ:kjələrz]


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  • 双筒望远镜
  • 双筒镜
  • 显微镜
  • 双眼望远镜
  • [P]双筒望远镜 a pair of glasses like short telescopes for both eyes,used for looking at distant objects


1. an optical instrument designed for simultaneous use by both eyes

Synonym: field glassesopera glasses

1. 双筒望远镜
Binoculars consist of two small telescopes joined together side by side, which you look through in order to look at things that are a long way away.

1. 双筒望远镜:进到驾驶仓里,从小布左肩边的位置上拿到放大镜(magnifying glass),右手边的小匣子里还可以拿到双筒望远镜(binoculars)和一瓶威士忌(bottle of whiskey).

2. 望远镜:进到驾驶仓里,从小布左肩边的位置上拿到放大镜(magnifying gla ),右手边的小匣子里还可以拿到双筒望远镜(binoculars)和一瓶威士忌(bottle of whiskey).

3. binoculars的解释

3. 双眼望远镜:previous weapon 前一个武器 | binoculars 双眼望远镜 | mapcomputer 地图

4. binoculars在线翻译

4. 双倍望远镜:Pause 暂停游戏 | Binoculars 双倍望远镜 | BigMap 指挥官地图

  • 常用例句

  • I watched the birds through my binoculars.
  • He watched the play through his binoculars.
  • The binoculars are in that leather case.
  • 词语用法

  • binoculars是复数形式的名词,但表达的是单数概念,若表示数量,须用单位词pair。如“一副双筒望远镜”是a pair of binoculars
  • binoculars用作主语时,谓语动词应该用复数形式。
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

For example, it notes that police deployed on rooftops around the site of Ms. Bhutto's last rally were supposed to have binoculars, but did not.(例如,它指出,部署在布托女士上次集会地点周围屋顶上的警察本应配备双筒望远镜,但却没有。)
Through binoculars, the tail appears about the same length as the width of the full moon in the sky.(通过望远镜,可发现这条尾巴呈现出与天空中满月宽度一样的长度。)
But you're right, I can barely see the players. I would give my right arm for some binoculars.(那我问你,我们坐在最后一排,什么都看不见,这个位子的票价一定没有让你损失一条胳膊一条腿吧?)
“They would have more luck with two guys on foot with binoculars,” Anton observed.(“如果有两个人带着望远镜的话,他们也许运气更好些,”Anton说。)
"She reached to the bookcase and pulled out a pair of binoculars."(她于是走到书柜前,取出了一副望远镜。)
Google has become our binoculars and our window on to the net.(Google成了网络望远镜,成了我们认知世界的一扇窗户。)
You can bring your binoculars or the telescope thing where you look through.(你可以把你的双筒望远镜或望远镜之类的东西带到你能看到的地方。)
We looked at the birds through binoculars.(我们用双筒望远镜观鸟。)
A birdwatcher kept an eye on his activities with his large binoculars. Nobody really knows why.(一个鸟类观察者用他的大望远镜观察他的一举一动,没人知道为什么。)
It is so large at 182 degrees that both eyes together offer all-round vision and even overlap at the front, creating an effect like binoculars.(视野大到182度的两只眼睛合在一起形成了全方位视野,甚至在前方重叠,产生了像双筒望远镜一样的效果。)
binoculars是什么意思 binoculars在线翻译 binoculars什么意思 binoculars的意思 binoculars的翻译 binoculars的解释 binoculars的发音 binoculars的同义词