英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈbɒksə(r)]

美 [ˈbɑ:ksə(r)]



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1. a breed of stocky medium-sized short-haired dog with a brindled coat and square-jawed muzzle developed in Germany

2. someone who fights with his fists for sport

Synonym: pugilist

3. a workman employed to pack things into containers

Synonym: packerbagger

1. 拳击运动员;拳击选手
A boxer is someone who takes part in the sport of boxing.


2. 拳师狗
A boxer is a dog with short hair and a rather flat face.

1. 拳狮犬:」在参选的164个品种狗当中,第6到第10名分别由拳狮犬(Boxer)、斗牛犬(Bulldog)、腊肠犬(Dachshund)、贵宾犬(Poodle)及西施犬(Shih Tzu)获得. 名次是依据各个犬种在美国犬种协会登记的数量定高下. 过去十年来,

2. 拳师犬:最近我有一个外国朋友想要认养拳师犬~(boxer) 不知谁有拳师犬可以认养的呢?? 或著跟我说哪里有可以认养的唷~~~~ 谢谢........

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The blow hit the boxer and he curled up on the floor.(一拳击中了拳击运动员,他被击倒在拳台上。)
“Was a boxer, ” Kostya said.(“以前是个拳击手。”克斯特亚澄清道。)
Especially he hated Ali calling him an Uncle Tom, a white man's black boxer.(他最不能容忍阿里把他称作是汤姆叔叔,一个为白人效力的黑人拳手。)
"Great," he replied, rolling his shoulders like a boxer.(“挺好的,”他像个拳击手似地扭扭肩。)
They've changed me from a slugger into a boxer.(他们已经把我从一个有勇无谋的拼杀手训练成了一名拳击手。)
The boxer grounded his opponent.(这名拳击手把对手打翻在地。)
The grace of a ballerina and the grit of a boxer hammer home the message: The future belongs to those who prepare.(芭蕾舞女演员的优雅和拳击手的勇气聚焦于这样一种讯息:未来属于有准备的人。)
He moved with the grace of a trained boxer.(他的动作带有一个训练有素的拳击手的风采。)
Man, that guy was a really good boxer.(天啊,那家伙真是个好拳手。)
"Kostya is a boxer," Volodya said.(“克斯特亚是一个拳击手。”沃洛佳又说。)
boxer是什么意思 boxer在线翻译 boxer什么意思 boxer的意思 boxer的翻译 boxer的解释 boxer的发音 boxer的同义词