英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈrelɪgeɪt]

美 [ˈrɛlɪˌɡet]


名词: relegation 过去式: relegated 过去分词: relegated 现在分词: relegating 第三人称单数: relegates

  • 双解释义

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  • vt. 使降级,使降职 put into a lower place;demote


1. assign to a class or kind

e.g. How should algae be classified?
People argue about how to relegate certain mushrooms

Synonym: classify

2. assign to a lower position
reduce in rank

e.g. She was demoted because she always speaks up
He was broken down to Sergeant

Synonym: demotebumpbreakkick downstairs

3. expel, as if by official decree

e.g. he was banished from his own country

Synonym: banishbar

4. refer to another person for decision or judgment

e.g. She likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues

Synonym: pass onsubmit

1. 贬黜;把…降级;把…降格
If you relegate someone or something to a less important position, you give them this position.

e.g. Might it not be better to relegate the King to a purely ceremonial function?...
e.g. Other newspapers relegated the item to the middle pages.

2. 使(球队)降级
If a sports team that competes in a league is relegated, it has to compete in a lower division in the next competition, because it was one of the least successful teams in the higher division.

e.g. If Leigh lose, they'll be relegated.
e.g. ...a team about to be relegated to the second division.

Relegation to the Third Division would prove catastrophic.


1. 把...降级:v.转移, 归入, 提交:rejoin vt.使再结合, 再加入, 再回答 vi.重新聚集, 回答, 答辩 | relegate 把...降级:v.转移, 归入, 提交 | delegate n.代表 vt.委派...为代表

2. relegate

2. 把降低到:release 释放 | relegate 把降低到 | reliability 可靠性

3. relegate

3. 转移,归入:Release释放 | Relegate转移,归入 | remove contaminants.净化,排除污染

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • Their football team was relegated.
  • The fortress to which Herod relegated his wife.

    出自:H. B. Tristram
  • 词义讲解

relegate, commit, confide, consign, entrust
  • 这组词都有“委托”的意思。其区别是:
  • commit泛指委托给别人负责,意思最广泛; entrust表示“委托,托管”,强调对别人的信任; confide表示“托付,信赖”,强调对别人依赖和放心; consign表示“委托,交付”,指比较正式的委托; relegate表示“把…委托给”,侧重抛弃或摆脱。
  • 相关列句
    "Rather than relegate the storage to secondary status, the 'vault' plays a key role in shaping the museum experience from entry to exit, " said the museum.(与其说将这个存储空间归类到次要地位,还不如说这种“穹窿”博物馆外形设计在从进门到离开的视觉体验起了不可小觑的作用。)
    The process of establishing a literary canon is seen by some as, in part, an attempt by certain scholars to make their own labors central and to relegate the work of others to marginal status.(在某些人看来,确立文学经典的过程,在某种程度上是某些学者把自己的工作放在中心位置,而把别人的工作放在次要地位的一种尝试。)
    All you can do is jump out of the current context and relegate that problem to a higher context. This is what happens when you throw an exception.(你所能作的只能是跳出这个环境,将问题提交给更高层的环境中去,这即便当你抛出月个失常后所发生的事情。)
    It is through this article relegate Sushi period of a few words for imagery to explore the mentality of their relegation.(本文正是通过苏轼贬谪时期词作中的几个意象来探索其贬谪心态。)
    If you say this is the most important, then you relegate the other facts of life to a secondary position.(如果你说这个是最重要的,那么你就把生活中其他的事实降低到次要的位置了。)
    Therefore, even having the best interests of handicapped people in mind, you relegate them into a position of secondary order.(因此,即便一个人考虑到了身心障碍人士的最大利益,往往也会将他们放在第二等的位置上。)
    In short, though Mr Perry may have looked a touch less poised than Mr Romney, the debate did not render a decisive verdict. It did, however, relegate the remaining participants to the second rank.(简而言之,尽管佩里乍一看起来并没有罗姆尼那样泰然自若,但是辩论会并不能为这场竞争提供最终的答案。)
    She likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues.(她总是把困难的问题推给她同事。)
    A neglect of appropriate gender distinctions and segregation between male and female would relegate the human order to the level of an animal society.(如果不顾性别差异,无视男女大防,人类社会就会降至动物群落的水平。)
    But we cannot relegate computer games to the cesspit of pop culture solely on the evidence of the current crop of games.(但是,我们不能因为这个行业现有的水平,而直接把电脑游戏一脚踹进流行文化的泥潭里。)
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