英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:17:20



英 [ˈbjʊərəʊ]

美 [ˈbjʊroʊ]


名词复数: bureaus

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  • 办事处,事务处
  • 书桌
  • 机构
  • 办公室
  • 编辑部
  • 梳妆台
  • 分社
  • 办公署
  • 办公桌
  • 联络处
  • 写字台
  • 询问处
  • [C]局,办事处,分社 government department


1. furniture with drawers for keeping clothes

Synonym: chest of drawerschestdresser

2. an administrative unit of government

e.g. the Central Intelligence Agency
the Census Bureau
Office of Management and Budget
Tennessee Valley Authority

Synonym: agencyfederal agencygovernment agencyofficeauthority

The usual plural in British English is bureaux. The usual plural in American English is bureaus. 英国英语中复数通常作bureaux。美国英语中复数通常作bureaus。

1. (政府或组织机构的)局,所,司,处,属
A bureau is an office, organization, or government department that collects and distributes information.

e.g. ...the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
e.g. ...the Citizens' Advice Bureau.

2. 办事处;分公司
A bureau is an office of a company or organization which has its main office in another town or country.

e.g. ...the Wall Street Journal's Washington bureau.

3. 书桌;写字台
A bureau is a writing desk with shelves and drawers and a lid that opens to form the writing surface.

4. 五斗橱;衣柜
A bureau is a chest of drawers.


1. 写字台:揭下忙乱与亢进/纠正雨水/纠正小偏差'(<>)'漉酒的汉子/从头上摘下头巾/辘轳挂在井沿上/像一丛芎麻'(<>),'沉默与忧伤/萎黄的灯与呵护的手/不忍遽去,像古老的荼/挑着隘口上最后的白'(<>)写字台(bureau)上总是堆满了凌乱的旧稿,

2. 办公桌:再看办公桌(bureau),打开中部,里面有一瓶酒. 喝掉它后,然后从地上拾起小虫(worm). 打开下部抽屉,拾起里面的小盒,鉴定小的时候,我们在童话的世界里面度过:<>、<>、<>,每一个王子都是在战胜重重险阻后才能够赢得他美丽的公主.

3. bureau是什么意思

3. 办公室:巴黎无顶费办公室(bureau)出租巴黎15区无顶费办公室(bureau)出租. 位于商业区,交通便利,近地铁 Charles Michels, 面积97平米(地坪 87平米, 1楼10平米附属面积). 月租 2300 欧元 HT+杂费200欧元. 管理费10000欧元.

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • The weather bureau makes daily reports on weather conditions.
用作名词 (n.)
  • 词语用法

  • 词源解说

  • bureau的基本意思是“桌子,办公室”。在英国指附有开闭式或滑动式木盖的“大书桌,大写字台”。在美国则指“梳妆台”。
  • bureau作“政府机关”解时,美国指“司”; 英国指“局”。
  • ☆ 1690左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的burel,意为桌子,办公室。
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

I wondered what else he'd taken and nosed around his bureau.(我想知道他还拿走了什么,就探查了他的办事处。)
Called the Middle America Information Bureau.(名为中美洲情报办事处。)
David Shaff, the administrator of the city water bureau, said the yuck factor was the primary reason for the decision.(这个城市的水务局官员,大卫沙夫表示,做出这个决定的主要原因是因为感到恶心。)
We worked with our own project, [at] the Chelomei design bureau.(我们在切洛梅设计局有我们自己的项目。)
Blake was a goateed young backhoe operator whom Carol had met across the counter at the license bureau.(布莱克是位蓄着山羊胡的年轻挖土机操作工,卡洛尔在执照管理局的柜台与其邂逅。)
Welcome to the spring reception of the Home Affairs Bureau.(欢迎各位出席民政事务局庚寅年新春酒会。)
In their thirst for evidence on this issue, commentators seized on the recent report by the Census Bureau, which found that average household income rose by 5.(在对寻找这个问题的证据的渴求下,评论家们抓住了人口普查局最近的一份报告,其中发现家庭平均收入增加了5美元。)
But this is not just another foreign bureau.(然而这不仅仅只是一个驻外机构。)
A baseball mitt and ball rested on top of the bureau.(衣柜顶上摆着棒球手套和棒球。)
The report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics was just as gloomy as anticipated.(劳工统计局的报告和预期一样悲观。)
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