英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 10:49:19



英 ['kælɪbə]

美 [ˈkæləbɚ]


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1. a degree or grade of excellence or worth

e.g. the quality of students has risen
an executive of low caliber

Synonym: qualitycalibre

2. diameter of a tube or gun barrel

Synonym: boregaugecalibre

1. -> see calibre

1. caliber

1. 口径:人们通常说一把枪(线膛枪,以下皆同)的口径(Caliber)是多少多少,比如说7.62毫米、5.56毫米等等,其实正确的概念来讲这些数字指的是枪所用弹药的口径. 道理很简单,任何一把枪都是围绕已有的弹药来研制出来的,即先有弹后有枪,

2. 道奇:近日,记者从克莱斯勒(中国)汽车销售有限公司获悉,道奇在成功上市凯领和锋哲后,本月底又将携力作道奇(Caliber)酷博与广大中国消费者见面,这也是道奇在4个月内带给国人的第三款车型.

3. caliber的反义词

3. 直径:先经过站长专业显微手术团队的筛选与处理,也就是microscopic 观念,将一株株宝贵的毛囊单位毛发,清理乾净后,装入植发器(implanter)内,再插植入所标定的部位. a.取发区的毛发密度 (hair density of donor area)b.取发区的毛发直径(caliber)

Though promising, the basic premise has raised concerns about cultivating that Hollywood-caliber supergerm.(虽然此研究有前途,但是有人对培养好莱坞式的超级微生物这个基本假设表示担忧。)
Steven Chu believes this will require "Nobel-caliber" scientific breakthroughs.(朱棣文认为这要求我们有诺贝尔式的科学突破才能做到这一点。)
First-class education is a prerequisite for cultivating high-caliber personnel and building a great country.(只有一流的教育,才能培养一流人才,建设一流国家。)
Ilgauskas is a nice addition, but certainly not a starter caliber player at this point in his career.(伊尔·戈斯·卡斯是一个很好的补充,但他的职业生涯无疑不是在这里开始的。)
Next to him sits the group's thick-shouldered machine gunner, who mans a .50 caliber with a rusting barrel.(坐在他旁边的是队里壮硕的神枪手,操作一把枪管生锈的50口径机关枪。)
For a long time I could not understand how someone of his caliber could remain so intractably loyal to such an undeserving employer.(有很长时间我一直无法理解,为什么像他一样有能力的人长期忠诚于这般没有吸引力的职位。)
High caliber cannons will come in two very different kinds, suited for long and close range fighting respectively.(大口径机炮将分为两种不同的种类,分别特化了远距离和近距离战斗。ꘀ。)
Widening Specialty Caliber, Optimizing Curriculum System, And Training Qualified For The New Century.(拓宽专业口径,优化课程体系,培养新世纪合格人才。)
Of course, more and more Chinese companies will possess the caliber to cooperate with British companies.(当然,也会有越来越多的中国企业具备与英国企业合作的实力。)
The enemy was armed only with low caliber guns.(敌人只配备了短口径的枪。)
caliber是什么意思 caliber在线翻译 caliber什么意思 caliber的意思 caliber的翻译 caliber的解释 caliber的发音 caliber的同义词