英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 08:51:16



英 [ˈkɔ:stɪk]

美 [ˈkɔstɪk]



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副词: caustically 名词: causticity

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1. any chemical substance that burns or destroys living tissue



1. of a substance, especially a strong acid
capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action

Synonym: corrosiveerosivevitriolicmordant

2. harsh or corrosive in tone

e.g. an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose
a barrage of acid comments
her acrid remarks make her many enemies
bitter words
blistering criticism
caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics
a sulfurous denunciation
a vitriolic critique

Synonym: acerbacerbicacidacridbitterblisteringsulfuroussulphurousvirulentvitriolic

1. (化学物质)腐蚀性强的,苛性的
Caustic chemical substances are very powerful and can dissolve other substances.

e.g. ...caustic cleaning agents...
e.g. Remember that this is caustic; use gloves or a spoon.

2. (语言)刻薄的,尖刻的
A caustic remark is extremely critical, cruel, or bitter.

e.g. His abrasive wit and caustic comments were an interviewer's nightmare...
e.g. He was often caustic and mocking, or flew into rages.

She was caustically brilliant, yet totally loyal, unpretentious, human and tolerant.

1. 腐蚀:George Maestri讲述了在3DS Max里进行贴图、等光以及渲染真是场景所涉及的所有细节. 该教学将教你一步一步设计素材、映射贴图、场景照明和使用Mental Ray以及Max的Scanline渲染器创建阴影、光线和摄像机. 还有高级技巧,如综合制图、多通道渲染、腐蚀(Caustic )和全局照明.

2. caustic的意思

2. 焦散:只有光子贴图(photon map)和焦散(caustic)的计算中才会发出光子(photon),记录它们的计算信息的文件才叫光子贴图(photon map,*.vrpmap文件). 所以在这里请各位VR使用者不要把发光贴图和灯缓存及其计算的信息文件称为光子图了.

3. caustic是什么意思

3. 尖酸刻薄的:121. brisk 轻快活泼的 | 122. caustic 尖酸刻薄的 | 123. brittle 易碎的

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  • 临近词

I get the olives and put some caustic and the liquid plasma CO2 on it and then I wash it 3 or 4 times.(我拿橄榄放一些苛性钠和CO2液体等离子体放在一起,然后我清洗它3到4次。)
The same can be said of Conrad Black, the Canadian employer of the caustic Major-doubters in the Telegraph group.(对于ConradBlack来说亦一样,在每日电讯报集团中,这位加拿大雇主是尖刻的Major怀疑者中的一员。)
Always envisioned as a loud, caustic pirate, Nym's earliest design notes didn't specify his species.(在最早的设计笔记中,他总是被定位成一个喧闹、刻薄的海盗,种族不明确。)
Furthermore, while they are powerful degreasers and can dry out hair and skin, they are not caustic.(况且,它的去污能力很强,虽然会让头发和皮肤变干,但不刺鼻。)
I think appointments are caustic to creativity.(我认为约会对创造性是种嘲讽。)
Caustic grumbles are excusable when I know my sleep was unconsciously interrupted 24 times overnight. Or so I keep telling myself.(我一直对自己说,假如前一晚我不知不觉醒了24次,那么第二天说些刻薄的牢骚话是可以原谅的。)
His abrasive wit and caustic comments were an interviewer's nightmare.(他粗鲁的风趣和刻薄的评论是采访者的噩梦。)
Hydrogen peroxide or caustic soda can also be used to kill bacteria, but it pollutes the water and harms plants, says ms Mehra.(按梅菈的说法,虽然可用双氧水和苛性钠杀菌,但这会造成水质污染并对植物有害。)
I listened to a lot of noisy, caustic music in my senior year, even though I'd attended an Indigo Girls concert only two years prior.(我高四时听了许多吵闹,尖刻的音乐,即便仅仅在那2年之前我还在听IndigoGirls的演唱会。)
Money more birth curse, caustic harm children and grandchildren. Do good money, benefit and sons.(钱多育祸根,损己害儿孙。捐钱做善事,造福与子孙。)
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