英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [kəʊˈɪnsɪdənt]

美 [koʊˈɪnsɪdənt]


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1. matching point for point

e.g. coincident circles

2. occurring or operating at the same time

e.g. a series of coincident events

Synonym: coincidentalcoincidingconcurrentco-occurrentcooccurringsimultaneous

1. 同时发生的
Coincident events happen at the same time.

e.g. ...coincident birth times...
e.g. Coincident with the talks, the bank was permitted to open a New York branch.

2. 相符的;一致的
Coincident opinions, ideas, or policies are the same or are very similar to each other.

e.g. Their aims are coincident with ours...
e.g. Coincident interests with the corporate rich and political directorate are pointed out.

1. 一致的:现场的扩音 ( FOH ) 将会因为舞台上直接音的音压值升高而困难平衡音乐的内容,这种状况几乎都发生空间的声响反应 ( Room acoustics ) 或称为自然的残响 ( Natural reveration ),由于封闭式的聆听无论是一致的 ( Coincident ) 有时即称为 Co

2. 重合:在SolidWorks中,提供了7种标准配合约束关系和7种高级配合约束关系、对薄膜蒸发器用到的几种装配配合类型是标准配合约束,主要有:重合(COINCIDENT)、同轴心(CONCENTRIC)、平行相距(DISTANCE)、角度(ANGLE)等.


3. 巧合:男猪角很伟大的说~ 片子的前半部分:混乱(chaos)巧合(coincident)讽刺(irony) 真相残酷地摆在了他的面前,老老实实地接受?但要知道,我们可不是生活的弱者,接受归接受,但可不能任凭生活摆布,因此他选择了FIGHT,痛扁了残酷的真相一顿,

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The coincident index was up 0.2% last month, after a revised unchanged reading in September.(同步指数上个月上涨0.2%,九月份经修正后为持平。)
After the parameters of rule have been amended, the output of FNN can be well coincident with the data of loads.(规则参数经过修正后,FNN的输出能与负荷数据很好地吻合。)
His death was coincident with his son's birth.(他的死亡与儿子的出生同时。)
Only based on uniform index and system, the accurate and coincident conclusion can be reached for engineering risk ana lysis.(只有在建立了统一的评价指标和评价标准体系的基础上,对工程进行的风险分析能够得出正确和一致的结论。)
This result is basically coincident with practical production data.(该结果与实际生产数据基本相符。)
The explanation is coincident with the unified field failure theory.(认为该理论解释与统一场失效理论是一致的。)
By theoretical calculation, the creation of color is coincident to film interference principle.(通过理论计算,结果表明颜色的产生符合薄膜干涉原理。)
This bubble is roughly coincident with real estate bubbles in the United Kingdom, Germany and even South Korea.(这与英国、德国甚至是韩国的房地产泡沫大致相似。)
Coincident with the external tank mix landscape and spatial relationships within the courtyard.(箱体组合暗合了外部的景观与内部的院落空间关系。)
The study expatiated that final states and intrinsic essence of the three modes due to earthquake are identical and coincident.(研究表明,无论那种液化形式其最终状态都是一样的,即三种液化机理的本质是一致的。)
coincident是什么意思 coincident在线翻译 coincident什么意思 coincident的意思 coincident的翻译 coincident的解释 coincident的发音 coincident的同义词