英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 12:34:50



英 [dɪˈraɪsɪv]

美 [dɪˈraɪsɪv, -zɪv, -ˈrɪsɪv, -ˈrɪz-]


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副词: derisively 名词: derisiveness

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

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1. abusing vocally
expressing contempt or ridicule

e.g. derisive laughter
a jeering crowd
her mocking smile
taunting shouts of `coward' and `sissy'

Synonym: gibelikejeeringmockingtaunting

1. 嘲弄的;嘲笑的;侮蔑的
A derisive noise, expression, or remark expresses contempt.

e.g. There was a short, derisive laugh.

Phil's tormentor snorted derisively.

1. derisive的翻译

1. 嘲笑的:derision 嘲笑 | derisive 嘲笑的 | derisively 嘲笑地

2. 值得嘲笑的:值得嘲弄的derisory | 值得嘲笑的derisive | 值得称赞praiseworthiness

3. 嘲弄的:cursory 草率的 | derisive 嘲弄的 | perfunctorily 马虎的 敷衍的

4. derisive的翻译

4. 嘲笑的/嘲弄/值得嘲笑的:derision /嘲笑/嘲笑的对象/笑柄/愚弄/ | derisive /嘲笑的/嘲弄/值得嘲笑的/ | derisively /嘲笑地/

  • 经典引文

  • A low gurgle of derisive laughter followed the words.

    出自:T. Hardy
  • Curt, derisive tongue and..knowing, cynical eyes.

    出自:J. Heller
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Lars von Trier's horror movie Antichrist prompted derisive laughter, some boos and lots of "Oh my Gods" during its first screening.(冯提尔(LarsvonTrier)的惊骇电影《反基督》(暂译)(Antichrist)引来一片嘲笑声,在首映上有人报以嘘声,许多则频说「天啊」。)
After a period of exclusively derisive and negative popular allusions to the stock market, references to stocks in non-financial Settings will become all but non-existent.(经过一段时间的专门嘲笑和消极流行的典故,以股市,提到股市非金融的设置将成为所有,但不存在的。)
His confession was greeted with derisive hoots.(他的坦白招来了大声嘲笑。)
But as the Economist went to press, they too seemed to be on the verge of striking a deal, just as the derisive Mr Erdogan had predicted.(但是,当《经济学家》杂志正要出版时,他们好像还处在达成协议的边缘,正像埃尔多安曾预言的嘲弄那样。)
Molière's comedy Le Misanthrope created a derisive young character who, like Hamlet, was a brilliant young man in contrast with the ugly and hypercritic society of his time.(法国戏剧家莫里埃的喜剧《恨世者》塑造了一个供人嘲笑和讥讽的优秀青年阿尔赛斯特。)
We've even come up with a derisive nickname for people who voluntarily plunge into stressful situations: they're "adrenaline junkies."(我们甚至嘲笑那些人,他们自愿投身到紧张这样一种状态:他们称为“肾上腺素迷们”。)
And if my use of the word 'brave' in this context makes you scoff, you must not have the derisive little voice in your head that I do, whispering that you're a failure, contemptible, poor.(如果我在这里用的“勇敢”一次让你不禁失笑的话,你可以不用像我这样在心里会想这个嘲笑的声音—告诉你,你是个失败的,可耻的穷人。)
I'll pause here to let the derisive laughter die down.(我将在此稍作停顿,让嘲弄的笑声平息。)
But his "short, derisive bark" of a laugh, his Roman nose, and most of all his life with sharks, were just the same.(虽然昆特船长的穿着比蒙杜斯更简朴,但是带有嘲讽意味的短笑,罗马鼻子,以及一生与鲨鱼打交道,这两人是完全一样的。)
Hermione was biting a piece of bread pulling it from between her teeth with her fingers in a slow slightly derisive movement. She turned to Birkin.(赫麦妮正在吃一片面包,听伯金这样说,她忙把面包从牙缝中拉出来,那动作慢而可笑。)
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