英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntmənt]

美 [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntmənt]



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1. an act (or failure to act) that disappoints someone

Synonym: dashing hopes

2. a feeling of dissatisfaction that results when your expectations are not realized

e.g. his hopes were so high he was doomed to disappointment

Synonym: letdown

1. 失望;沮丧;扫兴
Disappointment is the state of feeling disappointed.

e.g. Despite winning the title, their last campaign ended in great disappointment...
e.g. Book early to avoid disappointment.

2. 令人失望的人(或事物)
Something or someone that is a disappointment is not as good as you had hoped.

e.g. For many, their long-awaited homecoming was a bitter disappointment.
e.g. ...this ne'er-do-well brother who was such a disappointment to his family.

Be careful with the spelling of this word.

1. disappointment

1. 失望:如果缔约方违反了他的合同义务,那么就应当对相对人因此而遭受之失望(disappointment)、痛苦(distress)、悲伤(upset)以及沮丧(frustration)提供赔偿. 基于这一观点,他认为对本案中的原告的损害赔偿金应当是125英镑. 12

2. 扫兴--encouragement 鼓励:disappoint 使失望--encourage 鼓励 | disappointment 扫兴--encouragement 鼓励 | discover 发现--miss 未发现

3. (名) 失望,沮丧:navy 海军 | disappointment (名) 失望,沮丧 | photographer 摄影师

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  • 经典引文

1. to one's disappointment : 令(某人)失望的是...;

  • Severe labour and frequent disappointment.

    出自:J. Tyndall
  • It was a bitter disappointment to Strindberg..to find himself treated..as a servant.

    出自:M. Meyer
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.disappointment

Surely, there will be setbacks and disappointments in life; boldness in itself is no guarantee of success.

当然, 生活中会有挫折和失望; 勇敢本身并不是成功的保证。


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He made no effort to hide his disappointment.(他不试图隐瞒自己的失望。)
Her expression showed her disappointment.(从她的表情可以看出她很失望。)
Running up to the loft, she exclaimed in great disappointment: "Oh grandfather, my bed is gone."(她跑上阁楼,非常失望地喊道:“噢,爷爷,我的床不见了。”)
Tim could barely conceal his disappointment.(蒂姆几乎掩饰不住自己的失望。)
He thought that he would be far from welcome, being obliged to cause her a great disappointment.(他原以为他一定不受欢迎,一定会使她大失所望。)
In great disappointment, Heidi turned her head away.(海蒂非常失望,把头转开了。)
In situations in which we have nothing of value to lose, we seldom experience disappointment.(在没有什么值得失去的情况下,我们很少经历失望。)
She struggled to hide her disappointment.(她竭力掩饰她的失望。)
How have you dealt with disappointment in your life?(你是如何处理你生命中的沮丧的呢?)
She was too well bred to show her disappointment.(她很有涵养,没有表露出她的失望。)
disappointment是什么意思 disappointment在线翻译 disappointment什么意思 disappointment的意思 disappointment的翻译 disappointment的解释 disappointment的发音 disappointment的同义词