英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:13:53



英 [daɪˈvɜ:dʒ]

美 [daɪˈvɜ:rdʒ]


过去式: diverged 过去分词: diverged 现在分词: diverging 第三人称单数: diverges

  • 英英释义

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1. move or draw apart

e.g. The two paths diverge here

2. be at variance with
be out of line with

Synonym: deviatevarydepart

3. extend in a different direction

e.g. The lines start to diverge here
Their interests diverged

4. have no limits as a mathematical series

1. 分化;偏离;背离
If one thing diverges from another similar thing, the first thing becomes different from the second or develops differently from it. You can also say that two things diverge .

e.g. His interests increasingly diverged from those of his colleagues...
e.g. Scientists believe that man diverged from the apes between 5 and 7 million years ago...
科学家们相信人类是在 500 至 700 万年前由类人猿分化而来。

2. (意见、观点等)存在分歧,相悖,相异
If one opinion or idea diverges from another, they contradict each other or are different. You can also say that two opinions or ideas diverge .

e.g. The view of the Estonian government does not diverge that far from Lipmaa's thinking...
e.g. Needless to say, theory and practice sometimes diverged.

3. (道路)分开,分叉,叉开
If one road, path, or route diverges from another, they lead in different directions after starting from the same place. You can also say that roads, paths, or routes diverge .

e.g. ...a course that diverged from the Calvert Island coastline...
e.g. Where three roads diverge take the middle branch.


1. 发散:复变分析中 , 有时候要取一个pole或多个pole, 是因为被积分的方程式中, 分母要避开这些poles作积分 否则会发散(diverge)

2. diverge什么意思

2. 分叉:但当两种思维模式分叉(diverge)时,为了使native English speakers不致于遇到语言障碍(language barrier),使用英语特有的表达方式来表达自己的思想才显得殊为重要.

3. 偏离:当价格暂时更加偏离(diverge)基本价值,如果套利者面临资本约束,就要过早的展开头寸(unwind the position),从而蒙受损失. 自有价值:the market value of the parent's equity less any measurable net assets--母公司的未列入综合报表 (unconsolidated) 的净权益.

4. 分散的 分散的:dithering 抖动 递色 | diverge 分散的 分散的 | Divide 等分 等分

  • 经典引文

  • A footpath diverged from the highroad.

    出自:E. M. Forster
  • As they grew up their interests diverged.

    出自:E. Jones
  • Her unusual looks..diverged too widely from the Indian ideal.

    出自:M. M. Kaye
Human head lice are related genetically to lice on chimpanzees, and the two species began to diverge as humans and chimps diverged.(人类头上的虱子同黑猩猩身上的虱子有遗传学上的关联。随着人类和黑猩猩的分化,这两种虱子也开始分道扬镳。)
When they diverge, it's usually better to place more emphasis on the payroll number.(当两者出现分歧,通常更好的是关注在职人数。)
It is here that the mating habits of the white-fronted parrot and Homo sapiens diverge.(从这里开始,白顶鹦鹉接下来的行为就和咱们人类不同了。)
The parallel lines appear to diverge.(这些平行线像是岔开了。)
They diverge from the narrow focus that we have for the business so we discard them.(它们偏离于我们的关键业务,所以你抛弃他们。)
Figure 10 shows the completed Members list for the sample project, as well as the ScrumMaster in case the permissions diverge in the future.(图10显示了例子项目中完整的Members列表,包括ScrumMaster,以防以后在许可权问题上发生分歧。)
Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you have to diverge from your vegetarian diet.(仅仅因为你怀孕并不意味着你要与素餐背道而驰。)
Second, it appears that closely related populations of fishes on both sides of the isthmus are starting to genetically diverge from each other.(其次,地峡两侧紧密相关的鱼类种群似乎开始在基因上彼此分化。)
As a result, potential output can temporarily diverge from its underlying trends, making it even harder to estimate.(因此,潜在产出会暂时偏离它的总趋势,这使得对它的估计更加困难。)
But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling-out.(可是我们对未来的愿景不同,最后只好分道扬镳。)
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