英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-03 12:13:08


英 [ˌdɪvɪˈneɪʃn]

美 [ˌdɪvəˈneʃən]


形容词: divinatory

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 占卜
  • 预测
  • 预言
  • 卜卦
  • 先见
  • 直观的感知
  • 本能的预知
  • 直觉感应力
  • 预卜预见
  • 占卜(术)
  • 预言术
  • 推测
  • 假设



1. the art or gift of prophecy (or the pretense of prophecy) by supernatural means

Synonym: foretellingsoothsayingfortune telling

2. a prediction uttered under divine inspiration

Synonym: prophecy

3. successful conjecture by unusual insight or good luck

1. 占卜(术);预测;预言
Divination is the art or practice of discovering what will happen in the future using supernatural means.

1. 占卜学:6 占卜学(Divination)本科內容異常广泛,任何与占卜有关(除算术占卜)均是本科学习內容. 学习內容包括占星学、透心术、塔罗及纸牌占卜、水晶球、茶叶占卜、动物占卜、水占卜等各种占卜. 7 草药学(Herbology)本科要求学生学习各种草药的特性、各种草药的含义、各种草药在历史中所扮演的角色,

2. divination的翻译

2. 预言系:罗马人就已经知道他们居住在多瑙河的边界地区. 当匈奴人从中亚往西边迁移时,哥德人因为受到压力而从该地区撒离. 他们向西迁徙..预言系(Divination) 预言系(Divination):预用于收集信息,估计形势的魔法. 其最高层次也拥有巨大的杀伤力,比如真言术.

3. 卜筮:因此,原始人类就从内心发出敬畏的心,产生忌讳(Taboo)、巫术(Magic)和卜筮(Divination),也产生了许多神话(Myths)和各种礼节(Corcmonies)等宗教礼俗. 布农族人的原始社会自然也不例外. 布农族的原始宗教可以说是布农族人的精神食粮,

  • 经典引文

  • The Grand Tarot for amateur divination.

    出自:L. Durrell
  • Divination is performed by inspection of the stomach of a slaughtered cow, and interpretation of the flight of birds.

    出自:C. G. Seligman
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

What are your views on Tarot divination?(请问您对塔罗牌占卜有什么看法?)
With her father gone, only she could perform the divination ordered by Cleopatra.(他父亲死后,只有她能够为克利奥帕特拉占卜。)
The elders of Moab and Midian left, taking with them the fee for divination. When they came to Balaam, they told him what Balak had said.(摩押的长老和米甸的长老手里拿着卦金到了巴兰那里,将巴勒的话都告诉了他。)
Don't you know that a man like me can find things out by divination?(你们岂不知象我这样的人必能占卜吗?)
These compasses were south pointing and were primarily used on land as divination tools and direct finders.(这些罗盘指向南方,主要在陆地上使用,作为占卜工具和方向的寻找。)
Dice has also been used in divination, Drinking or playing games and the like, is one of the old gambling.(骰子也曾被用在占卜、酒令或是玩游戏之类的,是古老的赌具之一。)
Practicing divination (This means fortune telling, reading tarot CARDS, reading tea leaves etc) or sorcery.(实施占卜(这意味着命运的讲述,读塔罗牌,看茶叶渣等等)或巫术。)
Rinpoche told me several times that the MO (divination) was not good.(仁波切数度告诉我占卜的结果并不好。)
But geomancy means divination according to geographic features, so the translation is not entirely correct.(但是土占意指根据地理特征来占卜,所以这个翻译并非完全正确。)
The branding for Baoism stemmed from the concept of I Ching, an ancient divination text and the oldest of the Chinese classics.(包主义的品牌源于易经的概念,易经是一本关于占卜的古籍,也是中国最古老的经典著作。)
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