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更新时间:2025-03-10 13:16:18



英 [ˈdɒldrəmz]

美 [ˈdoʊldrəmz]


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1. a belt of calms and light winds between the northern and southern trade winds of the Atlantic and Pacific

2. a state of inactivity (in business or art etc)

e.g. economic growth of less than 1% per year is considered to be economic stagnation

Synonym: stagnationstagnancy

1. 处于低潮;陷于停滞
If an activity or situation is in the doldrums, it is very quiet and nothing new or exciting is happening.

e.g. The economy is in the doldrums.

1. 赤道无风带:7月4日离开维德角群岛往西南航行,来到非洲著名的赤道无风带(Doldrums),船队无风无法航行. 在这高温的无风区,船队随海飘流了八天,7月22日开始起风了,船队向西驶去. 7月31日的早晨哥伦布发觉淡水快用完了,


2. 景气停滞:business recession 景气衰退 | doldrums 景气停滞 | dull 盘整

3. 忧郁:dol 多尔 | doldrums 忧郁 | dolichocephalic 长头的

4. doldrums

4. 情绪低落:potboiler蹩脚 | doldrums情绪低落 | dole 悲哀

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1. in the doldrums : 意气消沉; 无精打彩;

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Less severe 'winter doldrums' occur at least three times more frequently than winter depression.(稍逊严重的冬季消沉'比冬季抑郁发生的频率至少多3倍。)
Universities can be a source of skills and a place to sit out the doldrums, so students are entering and staying on at university more and more.(大学是职业技能的一个来源,一个可以“两耳不闻窗外事”的所在,所以学生们越来越多地进入大学并留在那里。)
The economy is in the doldrums.(经济毫无生气。)
China's property market was in the doldrums last year.(中国房地产市场去年陷入了低谷。)
Before then the firm had been on a roll, with Land Rover sales breaking records and Jaguars doing well after years in the doldrums.(而在那之前,JLR公司正鸿运当头,路虎的销售创下纪录,捷豹也在多年的萧条期后崛起。)
If drug addicts can learn to deal with their doldrums, however, they may be less likely to relapse.(可是,如果那些药物瘾君子能够学会如何应对自己的烦躁情绪,他们烦躁情绪复发的可能性就会降低。)
He's been in the doldrums ever since she left him.(自从她离开他以来,他一直很消沉。)
After Labor Day, however, investors get serious and the summer market doldrums officially come to an end.(然而,在劳工节之后,投资者们开始担忧,夏季市场的萧条也正式结束了。)
And raise demand in the short-term to keep more workers out of the doldrums of long-term unemployment.(然后在短时期内提高需求来让更多的工人走出长期失业带来的低落情绪。)
The day the Mariposa entered the doldrums, Martin was more miserable than ever.(马里泊萨号进入赤道无风带那天,马丁比任何时候都痛苦了。)
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