英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 13:55:53



英 [ɪgˈzɒnəreɪt]

美 [ɪgˈzɑ:nəreɪt]


形容词: exonerative 名词: exoneration 过去式: exonerated 过去分词: exonerated 现在分词: exonerating 第三人称单数: exonerates

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  • 免除(责任)
  • 使免受指控
  • 使免罪,证明...无罪,宣布(某人)无罪,申明(某人)无罪
  • 昭雪
  • 饶(过),开释
  • 解除,解除…的拖累,摆脱…的重担


1. pronounce not guilty of criminal charges

e.g. The suspect was cleared of the murder charges

Synonym: acquitassoilcleardischargeexculpate

1. 使免于罪责;证明…无罪;宣布…无罪
If a court, report, or person in authority exonerates someone, they officially say or show that that person is not responsible for something wrong or unpleasant that has happened.

e.g. The official report basically exonerated everyone...
e.g. An investigation exonerated the school from any blame.

They expected complete exoneration for their clients.

1. 免除:exodus 大批离去,(移民)出国 | exonerate 免除 | exorcise 去除

2. 免除责任:execration咒骂 | exonerate 免除责任 | expurgate 删除

3. 使免罪:indict起诉 | exonerate,使免罪 | absolve赦免

4. exonerate的反义词

4. 免除责任,确定无罪:Exhale 呼出(气) | Exonerate 免除责任,确定无罪 | Exorbitant 过分的

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  • 临近词

In the area of environmental protection, recycling corrugated products easy to exonerate the soil coated Board.(在环保方面,瓦楞产品容易回收再生,免除对涂布纸板的土埋要求。)
Such precision, he said, can also exonerate innocent suspects.(这样的精度,他说,也可以免除无辜的嫌疑人。)
Under specific circumstance, the lawyer is able to exercise the counterplead right to exonerate from part or all of the compensation liability.(在特定的情形下,律师可以行使抗辩权,全部或部分免除赔偿责任。)
Presumably, the innocent participants knew such a tape would exonerate them.(据推测,清白的参赛者会知道这个录像带会证明他们没有作弊。)
It also emerges that documents which Wang claimed would exonerate him and Jones did not exist.(它同时也暴露出,Wang声称能洗清他和琼斯造假嫌疑的文件并不存在。)
The report paints a picture of Buffett as having been duped by Sokol. However, one shareholder said it was also crafted to exonerate Buffett from wrongdoing.(该报告给人一种巴菲特被索科尔欺骗的印象。但是,一位股东说它也有刻意为巴菲特的错误推脱的印象。)
A CFTC study last year appeared to exonerate them.(CFTC去年的一个研究报告赦免了他们。)
They exonerate people from personal responsibility, and imprison them in circumstances and the victim mentality (" it's not my fault I lost "), the result being a kind of civic death.(他们使大家推卸个人的责任,让人们陷身于客观环境与牺牲者心理(我输了,这不是我的过错)不能自拔,结果则是一种公民道德的沦丧。)
This notice shall not exonerate the captain from his duty to navigate with a safe speed at any time.(本通知不免除船长在任何时候采取安全航速的责任。)
He studies the data and is confident it will exonerate him.(他研究数据,并确信那将免除他的责任。)
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